Monday, December 31, 2007


Instead of New Years resolutions I would rather have hopes and wishes. People make resolutions all the time and for the most part end up following to the wayside before spring hits, so this year there will be no resolutions for me only hopes and wishes to what 2008 will bring. At least this way there will be no personal failure just my dreams and with times the way they are seem more important then a personal resolutions.

For 2008, I will (and this is not a resolution but a fact) love my husband more and thank God everyday for bringing us together. My life has been so much better and richer since the day I met him and I have never regretted and feel very lucky to have him in my life. For me, I feel very lucky that I am married to my best friend and feel I owe every bit of respect and love I can give him. He never has tried to change me or judge me, he accepts me for who I am and believes in me. For the first time in my life I feel trust and real love and he has made me greedy for more of what he gives me and I never want to lose that and will do everything in my power to let him know how much I love him. When my husband married me, he took on a very big task; he became the stepfather to my three children and brought my oldest daughter out of her shell and gave her the biggest gift he could give a child, a chance to call a man her father (something her real father never did and my second husband could never be to her due to the way he treated her). He also gives my son and other daughter a stable male figure to look up to and learn from. In the years we have been together he has helped me give my son maturity beyond his fourteen years and taught my son to slow down and think before reacting. KC has told me of his deep respect for him and his hopes to be like him. I know with time my husband will teach my youngest daughter that life is more than material things and the value of a dollar (lord knows he tries but both him and I have to battle my ex-husband and his new wife teaching Morgan it’s all about brand names and what you have along with spending money as fast as you can get it), and with time I know my husband will prevail because determined is part of his being. I believe if there was ever a candidate for father and/or husband of the year, my husband should win it hands down after all it is not easy going from being single to instant family man with no experience basically overnight but Jeff did do it and still to this day does it as if he was born into the husband-father role and in my opinion puts some real husbands-fathers to shame with the way he took on the job with style and finesse. My hope and wish for my husband this year is that he sees how truly wonderful he is and knows how much he is appreciated and love by his instant family and I hope he knows what a big difference he has made in our lives.

I hope and wish for the new coming year that my family and friends have continue good health. I hope my mom will become more optimistic (with her that would be a really big feat and I know may be I am hoping/wishing for too much but hey I can dream can’t I?). I want Pa Fidd to have his surgery on his sinuses because I want him to feel the joy of breathing normally again (he better do it because he is the only father I have left!). I want Ma Fidd not to worry about the chance of breast cancer coming back to haunt her again. I also want her and I to go out shopping again, of course we can’t go every other weekend due to the distance that we live but at least a bit more than we have done. Besides we need to get back to scrapping like we use to, them damn pictures are piling up and need to be put into scrapbooks. Basically I want Ma Fidd to feel pure joy and happiness like she did when we went out all the time in the past, she misses it and so do I (every woman deserves those girl outings where we can be as nutty and have fun without the pressure of being rushed around).

I hope and wish for a better job, one where I can make the wage I deserve and a job that doesn’t take me for granted. I also want this year to bring the beginning of my husband and I seeing the debt we have start to diminish and to see the proverbial light at the end of the tunnel and living from paycheck to paycheck a thing of the past. (If any wish could come true then let us win the lottery! Yeah, yeah, I know dreaming but at least I can hope can’t I?)

I hope and wish that 2008 would bring a new President that will restore America and put the nation back on track and not a President whose personal agendas are the priorities. I hope and wish that our government starts listening to the people and they start to do real work on restoring the economy, ending the war, and stop the flood of illegal immigrants by building the fence and deporting all that are illegal in our nation by upholding the law. Now more than ever Americans want their government to do the job they were elected to do and for the government to listen to the needs of it’s citizens.

Finally, I wish for everyone to have a safe and happy New Year and I hope whatever you may wish or hope for comes true.

Monday, December 10, 2007


When it comes to faith and hope I believe I have lots of it. I believe in God and am not ashamed to say so. I pray to myself daily for guidance, strength, and for my little piece of the world to be better. For me it really gets me through the good and the tough times. I know that no matter how bad things may get I have the faith and hope that everything is going to be okay. Some people may accuse me of not being realistic or that I am living in a dream world but I see it as the power of believing that things happen for a reason and if you have faith and hope you will prevail in the end.

One thing I can’t stand is when people are negative and all they see is doom and gloom. They walk around carrying heavy burdens on their shoulders and feel they have nowhere to turn for help but the sad part is they really do and they don’t realize this. No matter if you believe in God or not, pray! Pray to whomever you believe in and release those burdens, ask for help or guidance but most of all have faith, have hope. Don’t ever think for one minute you are alone or that no one cares because if you have faith and hope then you are never alone. The most important thing to remember is not to give up and to stop feeding into the negative. The saying goes if you say it enough then it will become true, so start thinking positive and then positive things will happen, that is just the rule of nature.

Today our society is a complete mess with hatred, no values or morals and high crime rates. Why, because as a society we have forgotten about God and the teachings of the bible. We have the politically correct wanting God out of everything because they feel it is offensive. To me I find it offensive that they want to strip people of having faith and hope. I find it offensive they won’t let a child pray in school or that they want God taken out of the pledge of allegiance. Our society is a mess without God and that is what is wrong with people today without religious teaching, depending on which God you believe in, there is complete chaos. I feel as a society we should turn on the politically correct and say the hell with them because obviously their way is not working and God’s way has and will always work.

I am not the type to cram religion down anyone’s throat but I do believe that everyone needs to believe in some kind of higher power or at least have faith or hope in some kind of higher power. I believe it really does bring the good out of humans when they feel as though there is a higher power to answer too. I also believe that prayer can be very powerful when you believe but prayer does not work if you don’t believe or have faith. Our nation needs hope and as a society we need faith but what we really need is God brought back into the light and through that only then will our nation’s sickness be cured. We need to believe!