Friday, September 21, 2007


I believe I am married to the most wonderful man, one that I feel I can spend my whole life with (finally). It was a long road to get to him and a pretty rough one at that. I had always envisioned when I was a little girl that I would one day find that one true love we would get married and spend our whole life together. Well I did but it took two previous husbands to get to him. I guess because of the fact I was married before makes me appreciate him even more. Today I couldn’t imagine life without him.

The lessons I learned from my two ex-husbands brought me to where I am today. Funny, I guess I have to thank them for that. My first husband taught me not to marry a man with a lot of baggage; you see he was an alcoholic and a drug user. I should have never married him but I was too young at the time to realize that. I know if my mother was reading this she would say, “I told you so”, but in hindsight if I hadn’t married him I wouldn’t have my daughter, Ashley today. After I divorced Mike I swore I would never date or marry someone who used drugs or drank like there was no tomorrow.

A few years after Mike, I met my second husband, K (I am just going to call him K because if you all knew his real name you would die!). He was funny, didn’t use drugs, and he didn’t drink like a fish, all the qualities that I like plus he got along with my daughter great. I was happy just dating him because after my first husband marriage was not on top of my list of things to do but I got pregnant with my son KC and K and I ended up getting married. It didn’t take long for me to find out that K didn’t want a wife, he wanted a mommy and I was damned if I was going to be a grown man’s mommy. I did try to make our marriage work but with time that got harder and harder because along with him wanting me to be his mommy, his mother was part of our relationship and all decisions that should have been between us had to go through his mother as well. K also had a very bad habit of trashing me to everyone and lying to me. That was the breaking point for me and I left him.

I met my present husband, Jeff, through a mutual friend and at the time I met Jeff I was still married to K. Jeff and I became the best of friends; I knew I could always count on him when things got bad. Needless to say K wasn’t too happy that I had a man as a friend and always kept trying to read more into it then there really was. When my marriage to K was near the end and he was getting real ugly with me that’s when I started to realize just how important Jeff’s friendship to me was. When I thought life couldn’t be better Jeff made me see otherwise, when I was ready to give up and accept how K was treating me, Jeff gave me the strength to fight back, and when I needed someone to talk to, I knew no matter what time it was Jeff would be there to listen. It wasn’t long after my divorce with K that Jeff and I became more than friends, not hard to understand why.

So here I am today, a lot older and a lot wiser. I am happier now than I have ever been in my life. Jeff and I are coming up on our fifth wedding anniversary and my love for him is deeper than it has ever been. I think what makes our marriage so strong is that we treat each other with respect, we don’t criticize each other, and we accept each other for who we are. But most important to me, we are still best friends. My only regret is that I didn’t meet Jeff sooner but maybe if I did our marriage today wouldn’t be as strong as it is. I guess I had to go through being married to my ex-husbands so I could appreciate what Jeff and I have now. So all in all I guess third time really is a charm, well at least with me it is.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Call us all when you've received a check commensurate to the time you've invested in recruiting others so the people on the upper tiers may profit more . Then I 'll be glad to retract my statement.
I'm sure your intentions are nothing but sincere ,that's why I find it important to expose those that take advantage of the labors of others. A pyramid is still a pyramid. True, it's not illegal as long as no monies are exchanged, but is it not morally and ethically wrong ? Look at you down lines, can you honestly say you will get results from lines 5-6-or 7? .If you can, your far more optimistic then most noted mathematician's and I wish you well. My purpose is not to denigrate, it's to hopefully educate. The beauty of life is that we all have choices . Information ,education and experience ,along with extensive research have lead me to my conclusions! It seems you've drawn your own as well . I wish you all well, but believe fervently , the time you and others spend in MPM and other affilte programs,would be better spend in other proved endeavors. And yes MPM is an affiliate of Commission Junction.
Hence Ginny's real reason to visit So.Cal. (C.J. Univ.) meeting with her members was only a secondary,result.(It pays to have people on the inside to pass info.)Sorry Ginny !
Btw . You have a plesurable writing style. I'd venture to say with research you could probably create a blog that actually creates income. ( it's being done ) Take care