I often post on an immigration reform forum and often deal with pro-illegal types that comeback with what I call the standard answers. These answers often lack imagination and real thought but then again looking at the source I am not surprised to say the least. I often wonder if pro-illegals even have a brain, for the most part with their responses they show they can’t spell, write a complete sentence, or stay on topic with what is being discussed. So lets take a hard look at the mentality of this particular group and try to understand where they are coming from, even though this may be fruitless but then again as the saying goes “know thy own enemy” comes in to play here.
The most common comeback this group will throw at you when you state that anyone here illegally should be deported is that you are a racist. Definition of a racist is the following:
adj 1: based on racial intolerance; "racist remarks"
2: discriminatory especially on the basis of race or religion
[syn: antiblack, anti-Semitic, anti-Semite]
n : a person with a prejudiced belief that one race is superior
to others [syn: racialist]
Now that everyone here has a clear understanding what a racist is we can move on and try to understand better this definition. Now by anyone who states the opinion that they are against illegals coming into the United States and receiving governments benefits does not apply to the defination above. What it does apply to is the fact that people who are for immigration reform want people to come to our country legally. Now notice I did not pick out any one race, person, or say anything anti-semitic. But with pro-illegals they feel that any kind of reform is being racist, to say the least that in itself is pure ignorance. Some may say the people that want immgration reform are solely against Mexicans for instants, and true for the most part most illegals do come in the country via our southern border but Mexicans are not the only ones that come in our country via the southern border. You have people from South America and for that fact terrorist coming to our country via the southern border. Bottom line here is that most people are coming into this country illegally from the south, and statistics don’t lie. Is it racism for wanting immigration reform? No it is not, what it is about is wanting the laws upheld and our borders secure. So my dear pro-illegal lovers you need to use what brain matter you have and come up with a better comeback than racism because that comeback is a very weak one at that. When you do comeback at me with the so called racist term I laugh at you because you truly do not understand the meaning behind what you say.
The other one I love is the insult, oh yes, when they can’t think of any intelligent thing to say they will start with the name calling. Juvenile to say the least with the school playground tactics they use. Again showing what little brain matter they have. I have been called the B-word, C-word, and a white supremist. It is so easy for them to start with the name calling but then again it opens them up to showing just how unsecure, weak-minded, and uneducated they are. Instead of debating the issue at hand or even researching the matter they would perfer to call you a name because you believe reform is needed and for the life of them they can’t debate the issue because of their narrow-minded views. Really people come to the table of discussion without the name calling because in the end you do nothing for your cause except make more people want to lash out on you for your pure ignorance.
They will also tell you that the United States is their country and that we the Europeans invaded it so many years ago and it is us that need to be deported. I even have been told that Christopher Colombus was the one that founded this country by them. Newsflash to them Christopher never hit the shores of the United States what he found was more closer to South America, thus showing the lack of education on their part. True the fact is everyone immigrated here at one point or another even the American Indians did as well but it was the Europeans that finally in the end came and settled here and setup the government that we know today and anyone from any other country cannot stake claim to this land as their own if they are not a legal citizen of it pure and simple. The final rebuttal then for anyone that says this is their land then show me the deed to it because if you don’t have that then my friend this is not your land.
Then we have the “but they are human beings and they have rights” bologna. Everyone has rights but rights under the law of the country in which they live in. Some countries do violate the rights of their people, now notice I said the “rights of THEIR people”. If you come into a country illegally, meaning not coming in to a country legally, then should you or anyone else deserve to have any rights within that government system? Plain and simply put no you shouldn’t. When a person or persons that come into a country illegally they do not swear alligence to that country, pay taxes, or denouce ties to their former homeland. So then why should the United States give rights to people that have not sworn alligence to it? Why should anyone that comes illegally be given benefits, a voice within the government, or be allow to protest the laws we have setup for its citizens to follow? Pro-illegals answer is because they are human beings, well a murder, rapist, or theif is a human being, does that mean they have rights too? They are criminals just as much as someone that comes here illegally, hence the term illegal meaning not legal, breaking the law. Within our government we have setup laws for people that break its laws and they are punished so if you come here illegally then you have broke a law and are then subject to punishment set by our laws and therefore have no rights under our laws. The meaning illegal versus legal becomes so blurred within the forums that I preticipate in that it is almost a joke. There is no gray line here only black and white, with legal meaning you came into the country legally and illegal meaning you came in the country illegally, now how simple is that. But with pro-illegals their view is very distorted on that matter showing them as weak on understanding common basic laws.
I really could go on and on with their feeble attempts trying to get their bleeding heart views across but in the debate on illegal immigration they have no real leg to stand on with this issue. The United States has always been a gracious country when it comes to welcoming immgrants that come legally and now today most Americans are fed up with the masses that come into our country illegally. We have the right and need to stop this, control of our country has to be enforced if we are to survive. We cannot tolerate nor support people that come here illegally claiming we are violating their rights when in truth they have no rights under our law. Rights under the law should only be afforded to those that are legal citizens anything else would be pure lunceny.
Saturday, November 10, 2007
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