Instead of New Years resolutions I would rather have hopes and wishes. People make resolutions all the time and for the most part end up following to the wayside before spring hits, so this year there will be no resolutions for me only hopes and wishes to what 2008 will bring. At least this way there will be no personal failure just my dreams and with times the way they are seem more important then a personal resolutions.
For 2008, I will (and this is not a resolution but a fact) love my husband more and thank God everyday for bringing us together. My life has been so much better and richer since the day I met him and I have never regretted and feel very lucky to have him in my life. For me, I feel very lucky that I am married to my best friend and feel I owe every bit of respect and love I can give him. He never has tried to change me or judge me, he accepts me for who I am and believes in me. For the first time in my life I feel trust and real love and he has made me greedy for more of what he gives me and I never want to lose that and will do everything in my power to let him know how much I love him. When my husband married me, he took on a very big task; he became the stepfather to my three children and brought my oldest daughter out of her shell and gave her the biggest gift he could give a child, a chance to call a man her father (something her real father never did and my second husband could never be to her due to the way he treated her). He also gives my son and other daughter a stable male figure to look up to and learn from. In the years we have been together he has helped me give my son maturity beyond his fourteen years and taught my son to slow down and think before reacting. KC has told me of his deep respect for him and his hopes to be like him. I know with time my husband will teach my youngest daughter that life is more than material things and the value of a dollar (lord knows he tries but both him and I have to battle my ex-husband and his new wife teaching Morgan it’s all about brand names and what you have along with spending money as fast as you can get it), and with time I know my husband will prevail because determined is part of his being. I believe if there was ever a candidate for father and/or husband of the year, my husband should win it hands down after all it is not easy going from being single to instant family man with no experience basically overnight but Jeff did do it and still to this day does it as if he was born into the husband-father role and in my opinion puts some real husbands-fathers to shame with the way he took on the job with style and finesse. My hope and wish for my husband this year is that he sees how truly wonderful he is and knows how much he is appreciated and love by his instant family and I hope he knows what a big difference he has made in our lives.
I hope and wish for the new coming year that my family and friends have continue good health. I hope my mom will become more optimistic (with her that would be a really big feat and I know may be I am hoping/wishing for too much but hey I can dream can’t I?). I want Pa Fidd to have his surgery on his sinuses because I want him to feel the joy of breathing normally again (he better do it because he is the only father I have left!). I want Ma Fidd not to worry about the chance of breast cancer coming back to haunt her again. I also want her and I to go out shopping again, of course we can’t go every other weekend due to the distance that we live but at least a bit more than we have done. Besides we need to get back to scrapping like we use to, them damn pictures are piling up and need to be put into scrapbooks. Basically I want Ma Fidd to feel pure joy and happiness like she did when we went out all the time in the past, she misses it and so do I (every woman deserves those girl outings where we can be as nutty and have fun without the pressure of being rushed around).
I hope and wish for a better job, one where I can make the wage I deserve and a job that doesn’t take me for granted. I also want this year to bring the beginning of my husband and I seeing the debt we have start to diminish and to see the proverbial light at the end of the tunnel and living from paycheck to paycheck a thing of the past. (If any wish could come true then let us win the lottery! Yeah, yeah, I know dreaming but at least I can hope can’t I?)
I hope and wish that 2008 would bring a new President that will restore America and put the nation back on track and not a President whose personal agendas are the priorities. I hope and wish that our government starts listening to the people and they start to do real work on restoring the economy, ending the war, and stop the flood of illegal immigrants by building the fence and deporting all that are illegal in our nation by upholding the law. Now more than ever Americans want their government to do the job they were elected to do and for the government to listen to the needs of it’s citizens.
Finally, I wish for everyone to have a safe and happy New Year and I hope whatever you may wish or hope for comes true.
Monday, December 31, 2007
Monday, December 10, 2007
When it comes to faith and hope I believe I have lots of it. I believe in God and am not ashamed to say so. I pray to myself daily for guidance, strength, and for my little piece of the world to be better. For me it really gets me through the good and the tough times. I know that no matter how bad things may get I have the faith and hope that everything is going to be okay. Some people may accuse me of not being realistic or that I am living in a dream world but I see it as the power of believing that things happen for a reason and if you have faith and hope you will prevail in the end.
One thing I can’t stand is when people are negative and all they see is doom and gloom. They walk around carrying heavy burdens on their shoulders and feel they have nowhere to turn for help but the sad part is they really do and they don’t realize this. No matter if you believe in God or not, pray! Pray to whomever you believe in and release those burdens, ask for help or guidance but most of all have faith, have hope. Don’t ever think for one minute you are alone or that no one cares because if you have faith and hope then you are never alone. The most important thing to remember is not to give up and to stop feeding into the negative. The saying goes if you say it enough then it will become true, so start thinking positive and then positive things will happen, that is just the rule of nature.
Today our society is a complete mess with hatred, no values or morals and high crime rates. Why, because as a society we have forgotten about God and the teachings of the bible. We have the politically correct wanting God out of everything because they feel it is offensive. To me I find it offensive that they want to strip people of having faith and hope. I find it offensive they won’t let a child pray in school or that they want God taken out of the pledge of allegiance. Our society is a mess without God and that is what is wrong with people today without religious teaching, depending on which God you believe in, there is complete chaos. I feel as a society we should turn on the politically correct and say the hell with them because obviously their way is not working and God’s way has and will always work.
I am not the type to cram religion down anyone’s throat but I do believe that everyone needs to believe in some kind of higher power or at least have faith or hope in some kind of higher power. I believe it really does bring the good out of humans when they feel as though there is a higher power to answer too. I also believe that prayer can be very powerful when you believe but prayer does not work if you don’t believe or have faith. Our nation needs hope and as a society we need faith but what we really need is God brought back into the light and through that only then will our nation’s sickness be cured. We need to believe!
One thing I can’t stand is when people are negative and all they see is doom and gloom. They walk around carrying heavy burdens on their shoulders and feel they have nowhere to turn for help but the sad part is they really do and they don’t realize this. No matter if you believe in God or not, pray! Pray to whomever you believe in and release those burdens, ask for help or guidance but most of all have faith, have hope. Don’t ever think for one minute you are alone or that no one cares because if you have faith and hope then you are never alone. The most important thing to remember is not to give up and to stop feeding into the negative. The saying goes if you say it enough then it will become true, so start thinking positive and then positive things will happen, that is just the rule of nature.
Today our society is a complete mess with hatred, no values or morals and high crime rates. Why, because as a society we have forgotten about God and the teachings of the bible. We have the politically correct wanting God out of everything because they feel it is offensive. To me I find it offensive that they want to strip people of having faith and hope. I find it offensive they won’t let a child pray in school or that they want God taken out of the pledge of allegiance. Our society is a mess without God and that is what is wrong with people today without religious teaching, depending on which God you believe in, there is complete chaos. I feel as a society we should turn on the politically correct and say the hell with them because obviously their way is not working and God’s way has and will always work.
I am not the type to cram religion down anyone’s throat but I do believe that everyone needs to believe in some kind of higher power or at least have faith or hope in some kind of higher power. I believe it really does bring the good out of humans when they feel as though there is a higher power to answer too. I also believe that prayer can be very powerful when you believe but prayer does not work if you don’t believe or have faith. Our nation needs hope and as a society we need faith but what we really need is God brought back into the light and through that only then will our nation’s sickness be cured. We need to believe!
Tuesday, November 27, 2007
When you go to the grocery store did you ever stop and think that what you might buy could make you sick or even kill you? I am sure many have but if you think about it the food we buy today is far more dangerous now then it was some twenty-five years ago. The danger to American consumers can come from pesticides, unsafe packaging, and from the people that handle our food. To some extent it could make anyone want to become a hermit and grow their own food and really today that may be the safest bet you could have.
Within the past few weeks I heard on the news that meat is being packaged and sold to us that uses carbon monoxide so the meat can retain its pink coloring. Now this can present a lot of problems to consumers because by doing this practice meatpacking companies can hide a multitude of things from us such as how old the meat is to hiding the growth of pathogens such as Clostridium botulinum, Salmonella and E. coli. In the news story it also said they found meat being sold that was two years old! This is scary to think that you may have something like that in your refrigerator. The only advice the story could give the consumer was to check the sell by date on the package but can you really trust the sell by date?
I also wonder with fresh produce if the E. coli scare we had back in the summer of 2006 is really behind us. What guarantee do we have as consumers that head of lettuce we are buying is safe? How do we know it is not carrying the deadly E. coli O157:H7 that causes kidney damage and death and how do we know it wasn’t sprayed with deadly pesticide? I would, as a consumer would like guarantees to know what I am buying is safe. It would be nice if the government would make a law that enforces companies/growers to disclose what has been sprayed on their produce and as well what was done to test the produce to see if it has any type of bacteria to ensure consumers are buying a safe food product.
Yesterday I sent an email to Tyson Foods in regards to their hiring illegal immigrants, Tysons happens to be one of the largest offenders of this hiring practice. To me this should be a real concern to consumers, by hiring illegals they are subjecting us to a variety of diseases due to the fact illegals come into our country without having a health screening. You now stand a chance of contracting TB, Chagas, leprosy, hepatitis, typhoid and a host of other communicable diseases. I for one am now boycotting Tysons. Tysons did have the gall to send me their standard response and if you email them you will get the same as I did, which is:
Thank you for your message. Contrary to what you may have heard or
Read on the internet, we have zero tolerance for employing people who are not authorized to work in the U.S. We use the government's Basic Pilot program, now known as E-Verify, to help verify the documents of the people we hire. In addition, we train our hiring managers on employment documentation procedures and work to increase their awareness of identification fraud. We regularly audit our hiring process including work authorization documents and also use an independent, outside company, which conducts its own audit of our hiring practices.
If we learn one of our workers may not have authorization to work in this country, we take immediate measures. If they are unable to correct any discrepancies in their documentation, then they are released from employment.
Now if you do research on the net you will find this about Tyson Food and this is how I responded to them:
So sorry Gary but I wasn't born yesterday and this crap you sent me is unbelievable. I see this is a standard email you send out to all in regards to hiring of illegals. The group in which I spoke about yesterday posted this garbage you sent me, I guess you are too busy defending your company's hiring practices of illegals to have time to write a personal email. So as far as your ZERO TOLERANCE on hiring illegals then why would a Federal judge give permission for employees to bring suit against the company for hiring illegals? Oh please explain the following:
Tyson Foods Can Be Sued For Hiring Illegal Immigrants
Workers have been told that they can file a class action lawsuit against Tyson Foods for depressing wages through the hiring of illegal immigrants. A federal judge has given workers the go ahead to file the class action suit against the food company, which means that thousands of workers from eight plants will be able to get involved with the litigation.
A number of similar cases have been filed against other companies in relation to the hiring of illegal immigrants, where worker have lost out on wages due to the illegal hiring process. It is estimated that up to 20 million illegal immigrants are living in the United States, many of whom are taking up work with companies that hire illegal aliens to keep costs down.
One lawyer working on behalf of plaintiffs in these cases stated: "You can't bring these cases unless they get certified as class actions. An individual person can't bring one -- it's not economically viable to do it. So it's important that it gets certified as a class action."
The Homeland Security Secretary has already made an announcement earlier this year in relation to a crackdown on employers that knowingly hire illegal immigrants to save money, as well as a crackdown on those helping the illegal immigrants to find work.
Topic Added October 24th, 2006
More proof Tysons supports illegals:
The word is spreading and I am still boycotting your company as well as many others. You see Gary, we Americans have ZERO TOLERANCE for companies that hire illegals and support amnesty in other words the proverbial buck stops here!
Now I wonder just what type of response I will get back from Tysons today?
In the end it is the consumer that must be weary of what they buy because as it stands today our government is not concerned with the safety of its people. Extra thought must go into what is being put into your grocery cart. Extra thought needs to go into what companies you support by buying their product because in the end the only way to make change is by sending the message you will not buy if a company does not hold the consumers safety as their number one priority.
Within the past few weeks I heard on the news that meat is being packaged and sold to us that uses carbon monoxide so the meat can retain its pink coloring. Now this can present a lot of problems to consumers because by doing this practice meatpacking companies can hide a multitude of things from us such as how old the meat is to hiding the growth of pathogens such as Clostridium botulinum, Salmonella and E. coli. In the news story it also said they found meat being sold that was two years old! This is scary to think that you may have something like that in your refrigerator. The only advice the story could give the consumer was to check the sell by date on the package but can you really trust the sell by date?
I also wonder with fresh produce if the E. coli scare we had back in the summer of 2006 is really behind us. What guarantee do we have as consumers that head of lettuce we are buying is safe? How do we know it is not carrying the deadly E. coli O157:H7 that causes kidney damage and death and how do we know it wasn’t sprayed with deadly pesticide? I would, as a consumer would like guarantees to know what I am buying is safe. It would be nice if the government would make a law that enforces companies/growers to disclose what has been sprayed on their produce and as well what was done to test the produce to see if it has any type of bacteria to ensure consumers are buying a safe food product.
Yesterday I sent an email to Tyson Foods in regards to their hiring illegal immigrants, Tysons happens to be one of the largest offenders of this hiring practice. To me this should be a real concern to consumers, by hiring illegals they are subjecting us to a variety of diseases due to the fact illegals come into our country without having a health screening. You now stand a chance of contracting TB, Chagas, leprosy, hepatitis, typhoid and a host of other communicable diseases. I for one am now boycotting Tysons. Tysons did have the gall to send me their standard response and if you email them you will get the same as I did, which is:
Thank you for your message. Contrary to what you may have heard or
Read on the internet, we have zero tolerance for employing people who are not authorized to work in the U.S. We use the government's Basic Pilot program, now known as E-Verify, to help verify the documents of the people we hire. In addition, we train our hiring managers on employment documentation procedures and work to increase their awareness of identification fraud. We regularly audit our hiring process including work authorization documents and also use an independent, outside company, which conducts its own audit of our hiring practices.
If we learn one of our workers may not have authorization to work in this country, we take immediate measures. If they are unable to correct any discrepancies in their documentation, then they are released from employment.
Now if you do research on the net you will find this about Tyson Food and this is how I responded to them:
So sorry Gary but I wasn't born yesterday and this crap you sent me is unbelievable. I see this is a standard email you send out to all in regards to hiring of illegals. The group in which I spoke about yesterday posted this garbage you sent me, I guess you are too busy defending your company's hiring practices of illegals to have time to write a personal email. So as far as your ZERO TOLERANCE on hiring illegals then why would a Federal judge give permission for employees to bring suit against the company for hiring illegals? Oh please explain the following:
Tyson Foods Can Be Sued For Hiring Illegal Immigrants
Workers have been told that they can file a class action lawsuit against Tyson Foods for depressing wages through the hiring of illegal immigrants. A federal judge has given workers the go ahead to file the class action suit against the food company, which means that thousands of workers from eight plants will be able to get involved with the litigation.
A number of similar cases have been filed against other companies in relation to the hiring of illegal immigrants, where worker have lost out on wages due to the illegal hiring process. It is estimated that up to 20 million illegal immigrants are living in the United States, many of whom are taking up work with companies that hire illegal aliens to keep costs down.
One lawyer working on behalf of plaintiffs in these cases stated: "You can't bring these cases unless they get certified as class actions. An individual person can't bring one -- it's not economically viable to do it. So it's important that it gets certified as a class action."
The Homeland Security Secretary has already made an announcement earlier this year in relation to a crackdown on employers that knowingly hire illegal immigrants to save money, as well as a crackdown on those helping the illegal immigrants to find work.
Topic Added October 24th, 2006
More proof Tysons supports illegals:
The word is spreading and I am still boycotting your company as well as many others. You see Gary, we Americans have ZERO TOLERANCE for companies that hire illegals and support amnesty in other words the proverbial buck stops here!
Now I wonder just what type of response I will get back from Tysons today?
In the end it is the consumer that must be weary of what they buy because as it stands today our government is not concerned with the safety of its people. Extra thought must go into what is being put into your grocery cart. Extra thought needs to go into what companies you support by buying their product because in the end the only way to make change is by sending the message you will not buy if a company does not hold the consumers safety as their number one priority.
Sunday, November 25, 2007
Can you say oxymoron! Illegal immigrants demanding rights have to be the biggest oxymoron of our time. Why should we give them rights in our country, did we tell them to come here illegally? If memory serves me correctly I don’t remember sending out those invitations to them but yet here they are in our country demanding rights as if they were citizens of our country. Some and for the most part, all are claiming that the United States is there country. Funny I believe when the pilgrims landed here American Indians and not Mexicans greeted them. To me this is very interesting that they have the gall to claim rights because despite what the politically correct want you to believe that illegals are “undocumented worker”, “undocumented immigrants”, or the newest one by Nancy Pelosi, “undocumented tourist” (now that one is a real hum-dinger), they are in fact ILLEGALS. This means to those that cannot grasp the meaning is they came into our country illegally or came into our country not the legal way (I know, mind blowing isn’t it).
Let’s talk about rights. What about the rights of all the immigrants trying to come here legally, the ones that fill out the paperwork and wait patiently sometimes for years to hear back from the United States on whether their application has been accepted? What about the rights of the immigrants that are now citizens of the United States how do you think they feel about illegals wanting rights? And what about the legal citizens of the United States, what about their rights not be taken seriously or heard? Why is it that we have to have the illegals, government, media, and special interest groups shove down our throats almost on a daily basis the rights of illegal immigrants? Call me a realist but this is wrong. Lets say we give illegal immigrants rights, then what is next? Will we have to give terrorist rights that come to our country after all aren’t they illegal, don’t they have rights? The mindset here today is backwards, why would anyone even entertain the idea of giving someone that came to our country illegally rights, where is the logic in that? Of course you have the politically correct telling you that illegal immigrants are hard working folk looking for a better way of life and we have to give them rights because after all they are human and we need to show compassion, to that I say what a bunch of bologna. I don’t argue the point that they are human or may be hard working but what I do argue is that they want everything we have and more. Illegals are crying for more benefits, having a voice in our political system, and the right to live here without the fear of deportation, they want all this and more. I just want to know if any of these illegals ever shed blood for our country or would they to deserve the rights that they want so much, the ones that our countrymen did for so many years to give us the freedoms we enjoy today. I would also like to know just how many illegals pay income tax to the IRS legally (you know the ones that claim they pay taxes but only do so with fake social security numbers), I mean if they are demanding rights then at least they should be paying income tax right?
Rights in the United States should only be given to the citizen’s period. There is really no debate on the subject, there is no gray line it is just what is it, right versus wrong. If the United States caves into illegal immigrants and gives them rights then it is opening the proverbial Pandora’s box not only will they have rights but the United States will be opening itself to letting other groups claiming they have rights such as convicted felons or anti-American groups. It is bad enough now that we have illegal immigrants protesting in our streets threatening the takeover of American, waving their country’s flag, and even threatening to kill us but still our government believes illegal immigrants are a value to our country. I would ask that our government furnish to the American people the real money value illegal immigrants are to us because I do not see their value, I see them as part of the problem why our economy is so horrid now.
I am sure I am one of the many Americans that has had it with illegal immigrants claiming they have rights, evidence in polls shows I am right. Illegal immigrants plain and simple do not have rights in our country. If they want rights then they need to go back from whence they came and demand that their rights be heard from their own government. From where I stand, for the most part Americans are done with listening to their demands, sob stories, and their threats. They are the ones that have abused are system to the point that most Americans are fed up with them. All we want is our laws enforced, for them to be deported, and for them to stop bleeding the American taxpayers. These are rights of the American citizens and we demand our rights be heard after all we are the ones that are here legally, therefore we take precedence over illegal lawbreakers that don’t have a legal voice within our country.
Let’s talk about rights. What about the rights of all the immigrants trying to come here legally, the ones that fill out the paperwork and wait patiently sometimes for years to hear back from the United States on whether their application has been accepted? What about the rights of the immigrants that are now citizens of the United States how do you think they feel about illegals wanting rights? And what about the legal citizens of the United States, what about their rights not be taken seriously or heard? Why is it that we have to have the illegals, government, media, and special interest groups shove down our throats almost on a daily basis the rights of illegal immigrants? Call me a realist but this is wrong. Lets say we give illegal immigrants rights, then what is next? Will we have to give terrorist rights that come to our country after all aren’t they illegal, don’t they have rights? The mindset here today is backwards, why would anyone even entertain the idea of giving someone that came to our country illegally rights, where is the logic in that? Of course you have the politically correct telling you that illegal immigrants are hard working folk looking for a better way of life and we have to give them rights because after all they are human and we need to show compassion, to that I say what a bunch of bologna. I don’t argue the point that they are human or may be hard working but what I do argue is that they want everything we have and more. Illegals are crying for more benefits, having a voice in our political system, and the right to live here without the fear of deportation, they want all this and more. I just want to know if any of these illegals ever shed blood for our country or would they to deserve the rights that they want so much, the ones that our countrymen did for so many years to give us the freedoms we enjoy today. I would also like to know just how many illegals pay income tax to the IRS legally (you know the ones that claim they pay taxes but only do so with fake social security numbers), I mean if they are demanding rights then at least they should be paying income tax right?
Rights in the United States should only be given to the citizen’s period. There is really no debate on the subject, there is no gray line it is just what is it, right versus wrong. If the United States caves into illegal immigrants and gives them rights then it is opening the proverbial Pandora’s box not only will they have rights but the United States will be opening itself to letting other groups claiming they have rights such as convicted felons or anti-American groups. It is bad enough now that we have illegal immigrants protesting in our streets threatening the takeover of American, waving their country’s flag, and even threatening to kill us but still our government believes illegal immigrants are a value to our country. I would ask that our government furnish to the American people the real money value illegal immigrants are to us because I do not see their value, I see them as part of the problem why our economy is so horrid now.
I am sure I am one of the many Americans that has had it with illegal immigrants claiming they have rights, evidence in polls shows I am right. Illegal immigrants plain and simple do not have rights in our country. If they want rights then they need to go back from whence they came and demand that their rights be heard from their own government. From where I stand, for the most part Americans are done with listening to their demands, sob stories, and their threats. They are the ones that have abused are system to the point that most Americans are fed up with them. All we want is our laws enforced, for them to be deported, and for them to stop bleeding the American taxpayers. These are rights of the American citizens and we demand our rights be heard after all we are the ones that are here legally, therefore we take precedence over illegal lawbreakers that don’t have a legal voice within our country.
American rights,
illegal immigration,
illegal rights
Thursday, November 22, 2007
I love Thanksgiving, who wouldn’t? Here is a holiday where everyone here in the United States celebrates what they are thankful for and gets a huge meal to boot. I look forward to going to my mom’s where she always makes way too much and can’t understand why she has so much left over. Some us have very formal Thanksgivings, while others have a Thanksgiving that is very laid back where everyone sits around the TV watching football and eating until their clothes are about ready to burst off them. Thanksgiving also marks the official start of the Christmas season with the dreaded black Friday (a day in which you will never catch me at a mall). So I sit here typing my blog with visions of turkey, stuffing, mash potatoes, and gravy dancing in my head anticipating the big meal that will be forthcoming today.
I have a pretty good idea how my Thanksgiving is going to be since I have spent many with my mom but this year will be a little different and should be an exciting on at that. I plan to bring my camera to document this Thanksgiving because today my youngest brother (the one I swear is adopted) will be bringing his wife, their daughter, and I can’t remember how many kids from her previous marriage over to my mom’s for Thanksgiving. To put it to you bluntly my brother is not the sharpest tool in the shed, in fact if you look up the word “stupid” you will see my brother’s picture next to the word. When it comes to common sense that is something he knows nothing about. Let me give you an example of his sheer intellect. When he was young, talking teenage years here and old enough to know about what I am about to tell you, he needed a money order for $75.00 and had asked me to drive him to 7-11 to get one. No problem I thought. We get to 7-11 and he jumped out of the car while I sat and waited for him. Well about five minutes later he comes out looking all dejected and when I asked him what was wrong, he precedes to tell me that when he plopped his money on the counter and told the clerk he needed a money order for $75.00 the clerk told him no. This point I was ready to be the big sister and go in and ream the clerk until my dumb brother tells me the rest of his story. He thought in order to get a money order all you had to do was pay the fee for it, which at that time I believe it was .75 cents, and tell them how much you needed and they would just give you the money. After he tells me this, I was like you idiot but really with him I shouldn’t have been surprised he is known for doing stuff as such.
My brother is now in his thirty’s and you would think he had gotten a bit smarter over the years but he hasn’t, in fact I believe there is a leak in his brain (that is if he has one) and what brain matter he does have has been leaking out over the years. He is now married to this girl who loves kids, or at least that is what she says and she proves this point by having so many of them. The sad thing about this is she can’t support these kids. My brother met this one when he worked for a cable TV company and his job was to go over to her house and disconnect her cable for nonpayment. Well as things go with my brother he fell head over heels in love with her and before you knew it she was pregnant with his baby. My brother is very well known for falling in love with every woman he meets, in the past his woman he has fallen in love with have for the most part been certifiably nuts, used drugs, or are in a bad marriage and want to get back at their husbands. My brother has made it an art of finding these loonies and falling in love with them. Now he is married to one. She has I think five kids counting the one she had with my brother and all of these kids are like wild animals according to my mom. They run around her house when they come over destroying it and when it comes to sitting down and having a meal my mother states it’s like feeding time at the zoo. They don’t know how to use forks, spoons, or knives (with knives I guess this is a good thing) and they can’t sit still and on more then one occasion have told my mom to shut up when she corrects them. Lord help these kids today when I am over there, have too much of my father in me to have a child tell me to shut up (my kids don’t call me drill sergeant for nothing). My brother has no control over these kids and his wife wants even more kids that they can’t support!! They live in section 8 housing, on welfare, and collect food stamps. I think she needs to get her tubes tied and stop being a burden to the welfare system.
So today I will go over to my mom’s with camera in hand to document the cluster f*ck of a life that my brother has created. Wondering why my brother hasn’t learned a thing over years he has been alive and why he feels that being married is the solution to all of his problems. His family is very ecstatic about today’s big feast, as they should because according to my mom they eat hotdogs with mayo on it during the week so they are looking forward to having real food (this is because my brother’s wife doesn’t know how to cook and hotdogs are her specialty). I know my mom will be thankful for one thing today, she will not have to hear shut up from one of those kids because I will be there to stop them and of course I will let my brother know that he better get control over his new brood, after all we were not brought up to disrespect our parents. I just wonder though how thankful those kids are going to be meeting their new aunt today? Hehehehe! I see a scrapbook page in my future on this Thanksgiving!!
Happy Thanksgiving to all!
I have a pretty good idea how my Thanksgiving is going to be since I have spent many with my mom but this year will be a little different and should be an exciting on at that. I plan to bring my camera to document this Thanksgiving because today my youngest brother (the one I swear is adopted) will be bringing his wife, their daughter, and I can’t remember how many kids from her previous marriage over to my mom’s for Thanksgiving. To put it to you bluntly my brother is not the sharpest tool in the shed, in fact if you look up the word “stupid” you will see my brother’s picture next to the word. When it comes to common sense that is something he knows nothing about. Let me give you an example of his sheer intellect. When he was young, talking teenage years here and old enough to know about what I am about to tell you, he needed a money order for $75.00 and had asked me to drive him to 7-11 to get one. No problem I thought. We get to 7-11 and he jumped out of the car while I sat and waited for him. Well about five minutes later he comes out looking all dejected and when I asked him what was wrong, he precedes to tell me that when he plopped his money on the counter and told the clerk he needed a money order for $75.00 the clerk told him no. This point I was ready to be the big sister and go in and ream the clerk until my dumb brother tells me the rest of his story. He thought in order to get a money order all you had to do was pay the fee for it, which at that time I believe it was .75 cents, and tell them how much you needed and they would just give you the money. After he tells me this, I was like you idiot but really with him I shouldn’t have been surprised he is known for doing stuff as such.
My brother is now in his thirty’s and you would think he had gotten a bit smarter over the years but he hasn’t, in fact I believe there is a leak in his brain (that is if he has one) and what brain matter he does have has been leaking out over the years. He is now married to this girl who loves kids, or at least that is what she says and she proves this point by having so many of them. The sad thing about this is she can’t support these kids. My brother met this one when he worked for a cable TV company and his job was to go over to her house and disconnect her cable for nonpayment. Well as things go with my brother he fell head over heels in love with her and before you knew it she was pregnant with his baby. My brother is very well known for falling in love with every woman he meets, in the past his woman he has fallen in love with have for the most part been certifiably nuts, used drugs, or are in a bad marriage and want to get back at their husbands. My brother has made it an art of finding these loonies and falling in love with them. Now he is married to one. She has I think five kids counting the one she had with my brother and all of these kids are like wild animals according to my mom. They run around her house when they come over destroying it and when it comes to sitting down and having a meal my mother states it’s like feeding time at the zoo. They don’t know how to use forks, spoons, or knives (with knives I guess this is a good thing) and they can’t sit still and on more then one occasion have told my mom to shut up when she corrects them. Lord help these kids today when I am over there, have too much of my father in me to have a child tell me to shut up (my kids don’t call me drill sergeant for nothing). My brother has no control over these kids and his wife wants even more kids that they can’t support!! They live in section 8 housing, on welfare, and collect food stamps. I think she needs to get her tubes tied and stop being a burden to the welfare system.
So today I will go over to my mom’s with camera in hand to document the cluster f*ck of a life that my brother has created. Wondering why my brother hasn’t learned a thing over years he has been alive and why he feels that being married is the solution to all of his problems. His family is very ecstatic about today’s big feast, as they should because according to my mom they eat hotdogs with mayo on it during the week so they are looking forward to having real food (this is because my brother’s wife doesn’t know how to cook and hotdogs are her specialty). I know my mom will be thankful for one thing today, she will not have to hear shut up from one of those kids because I will be there to stop them and of course I will let my brother know that he better get control over his new brood, after all we were not brought up to disrespect our parents. I just wonder though how thankful those kids are going to be meeting their new aunt today? Hehehehe! I see a scrapbook page in my future on this Thanksgiving!!
Happy Thanksgiving to all!
Saturday, November 17, 2007
It could happen but then again it may not, depends on which side of the fence you are on. My oldest brother told me once I should learn Spanish since that is going to be the language of our future but I am not budging, I am too old fashion for that. Will it hurt me in the long run? I don’t think so because I have faith that America is not going to let that happen. Today we see more and more how mostly the language of Spanish is taking over our culture, everywhere you turn there is a sign, product, or job classified that has something in regards to Spanish. Now being that we are a country for the most part is English speaking why are we more and more catering to the Spanish language? Is it because it is the most politically correct thing to do, to help people that come into our country that can’t speak English? My belief is that as a culture we have become lazy and accommodating to the point that anyone that comes into our country that speaks Spanish we are going to bend over backwards to make them feel welcome thus enabling them not to assimilate to learn English.
Face it, today you can go to any grocery store and on every isle and on most products you will see Spanish written on the labels. Years ago that wasn’t the case but today when going to the grocery store you may wonder if you are in the United States or not. Even in the stores or even if you are out and about you will see signs in Spanish to help our Spanish speaking friends through the maze that is America. Why is it we as a culture have allowed and endure this for so long? Most countries you go to will have the main language they speak on products and signs, they don’t cater or enable anyone coming to their country by speaking our language. They for the most part take pride in their culture and their language and expect people that come to their country to assimilate not the other way around but in America today that is not the case.
You can go into any government building in the United States and see signs in English and Spanish, now this coming from a government that has stated English is the main language but not the official language. Okay, so it is not the official language but it is the main language and it should be made the official language. Some states have made it the official language of the state such as Virginia but that doesn’t stop the signs being in English and Spanish. There should be only one language if it is the official language. The government can’t have it both ways but one knows they will not change because the government doesn’t want to alienate people that speak Spanish because they will loss votes and have groups such as La Raza and the ACLU all over them claiming discrimination. This I find humorous with La Raza and ACLU claiming discrimination based off of what our culture has been, English and when did speaking English become discrimination?
Spanish has also cause many Americans to lose out on job opportunities because in a lot of job ads companies want people that can speak Spanish as well as English. Companies in themselves as well as the government has turn our nation into an enabler nation by not making Spanish people that come to our country learn English. When you call a business today and get the standard recorded greeting you have the opportunity to press 1 for English and 2 for Spanish, what will scare me is when English becomes 2. The general consensuses today with people in America is they can’t stand the fact that they have to press a button on their phone to hear English but yet companies are and will not conform to what the general consensuses wants because that means losing money and lord knows they can’t have that.
Why as a nation have we let the liberal think tank takeover the use of our language? Why have we let them make us bend over backwards to cater and enable people that speak Spanish? If I was from another country that didn’t speak Spanish and came here to live I would find it insulting how no one catered to me, after all America is a melting pot of many languages therefore shouldn’t we cater to all of the languages and not just one? English should be the official language here in the United States since we are a melting pot of many cultures, it would be easier for all to have just one language. Becoming a bilingual nation cannot and will not work because of the diversity we have here. I am sure I have insulted those that speak Spanish but you need to stop and think how you insult us every time you speak Spanish in front us because in a nation that is mostly English it is insulting to us. I have even been yelled at by a few Spanish speaking people at a former job because they came into my office not be able to speak English and cursed at me for not knowing their language, how absurd is that!
My message to Spanish speaking people is learn to assimilate and learn English because this American will not cater to you and learn your language. It was you that came here to live not the other way around so threatening people that speak English to learn your language because your people are taking over our country is just not going to jive with Americans anymore. If you don’t learn our language my friend then it will be you that will be left behind and if you can’t deal with that then you can choose to go back to where your language is spoken.
Face it, today you can go to any grocery store and on every isle and on most products you will see Spanish written on the labels. Years ago that wasn’t the case but today when going to the grocery store you may wonder if you are in the United States or not. Even in the stores or even if you are out and about you will see signs in Spanish to help our Spanish speaking friends through the maze that is America. Why is it we as a culture have allowed and endure this for so long? Most countries you go to will have the main language they speak on products and signs, they don’t cater or enable anyone coming to their country by speaking our language. They for the most part take pride in their culture and their language and expect people that come to their country to assimilate not the other way around but in America today that is not the case.
You can go into any government building in the United States and see signs in English and Spanish, now this coming from a government that has stated English is the main language but not the official language. Okay, so it is not the official language but it is the main language and it should be made the official language. Some states have made it the official language of the state such as Virginia but that doesn’t stop the signs being in English and Spanish. There should be only one language if it is the official language. The government can’t have it both ways but one knows they will not change because the government doesn’t want to alienate people that speak Spanish because they will loss votes and have groups such as La Raza and the ACLU all over them claiming discrimination. This I find humorous with La Raza and ACLU claiming discrimination based off of what our culture has been, English and when did speaking English become discrimination?
Spanish has also cause many Americans to lose out on job opportunities because in a lot of job ads companies want people that can speak Spanish as well as English. Companies in themselves as well as the government has turn our nation into an enabler nation by not making Spanish people that come to our country learn English. When you call a business today and get the standard recorded greeting you have the opportunity to press 1 for English and 2 for Spanish, what will scare me is when English becomes 2. The general consensuses today with people in America is they can’t stand the fact that they have to press a button on their phone to hear English but yet companies are and will not conform to what the general consensuses wants because that means losing money and lord knows they can’t have that.
Why as a nation have we let the liberal think tank takeover the use of our language? Why have we let them make us bend over backwards to cater and enable people that speak Spanish? If I was from another country that didn’t speak Spanish and came here to live I would find it insulting how no one catered to me, after all America is a melting pot of many languages therefore shouldn’t we cater to all of the languages and not just one? English should be the official language here in the United States since we are a melting pot of many cultures, it would be easier for all to have just one language. Becoming a bilingual nation cannot and will not work because of the diversity we have here. I am sure I have insulted those that speak Spanish but you need to stop and think how you insult us every time you speak Spanish in front us because in a nation that is mostly English it is insulting to us. I have even been yelled at by a few Spanish speaking people at a former job because they came into my office not be able to speak English and cursed at me for not knowing their language, how absurd is that!
My message to Spanish speaking people is learn to assimilate and learn English because this American will not cater to you and learn your language. It was you that came here to live not the other way around so threatening people that speak English to learn your language because your people are taking over our country is just not going to jive with Americans anymore. If you don’t learn our language my friend then it will be you that will be left behind and if you can’t deal with that then you can choose to go back to where your language is spoken.
Thursday, November 15, 2007
The bible teaches us that it is more blessed to give and true to some point it is. I myself love to give to people because I love to see the joy on their faces and the happiness it brings to them. Christmas is the time of the year I let myself go and give and it really feels good. But lets stop and think about as a nation, the United States and how much we give. It seems to me that as a nation we have taken this whole more blessed to give and gave it a new meaning. Now we have people living here that take and expect to be given more at the cost of taxpayers. The American debt is spiraling out of control; no thanks to congress with frivolous spending they do with earmarks, pandering to corporations, special interest groups, and illegal immigrants. So when as a nation, do we say ENOUGH! Are we going to let America turn in to a debtor’s nation? We seem to be heading down that dismal road if we don’t change our ways. Scary thought for our future generation to deal with.
In 2006 29 billion dollars of taxpayer’s money was used for earmarks, which shows our government has no problem spending our money. That takes this whole more blessed to give thing and make you want to become a real scrooge. To be honest, that is what the government needs to do is become more of a scrooge with our money. Wasteful spending does not help our cause as a nation it is only hurting it. Why is it these politicians get to take our money and spend it on things like letting under privileged kids getting golf balls? How many kids do you see or hear wanting to learn to play golf? To me it is a crime and in no ways charitable. Then we have corporation that are asking congress for more HB-1 visas, so they can import more workers at lower wages thus keeping Americans out of work. Bill Gates asked congress for an infinite amount of HB-1 visas because he claims that there are not enough Americans to fill these so-called high tech jobs. That in itself is a lie. We have too many kids that are graduating college and can’t get high tech jobs because of corporations hiring and outsourcing jobs to save money. I wonder if Bill Gates remembers when he was starting out how tough it was to get ahead. Just giving away jobs to people who are not Americans is hitting our economy hard, how can we be a productive nation if corporations are not willing to give jobs to people that are citizens of this country? Bottom line, jobs need to stay in America if we are to be a strong and productive nation. What these corporations fail to realize is that if they hire the American worker and pay them a fair wage, they win by having a nation that has money to spend thus giving them the ability to make more money (gee, I ain’t even an accountant and I know that).
Special interest groups such as the ACLU are killing the American people. They are suppose to be helping Americans, hence the big ole A in front of their name but instead they have taken up the cause for people that aren’t even citizens of our nation. What is wrong with that picture? Why is their money going to help illegal immigrants? Why has our government and special interest groups forgotten about the American people they say they serve? We have people losing their homes to foreclosures by the millions and we have the ACLU screaming about rights for people that are not even legal citizens. To say the ACLU has loss it grip on reality is to put it mildly. They as a group need to worry about Americans not people who broke the law by coming into our country illegally and putting a strain on our economy. They need to stick up for Americans that can’t get jobs due to illegals and outsourcing corporate America. To me that would be a more blessed way to give.
Illegal immigrants are hurting us as a country, I have said this before and I hate sounding like a broken record but it is so true. Illegals are putting hospitals out of business, causing wages to be driven down below the cost of inflation, and putting the biggest strain on our welfare system. People that come into our country illegally that take, take, take, and expect even more from us. How much do we have to bend over and give to these people that aren’t even citizens? It is bad enough that we have the President of Mexico getting involved with our affairs on their behave stating they have a right to be here. It is very simple if you are not a citizen you do not have rights here, you do not get to vote, you do not deserve benefits from our government, and you are not allow to protest and spew anti-American sediments and wave your countries flag on our soil. I have heard illegals sob stories and I am not buying into it and from what the polls are saying neither are most Americans. They have bled us dry by taking and we, as citizens are tired of it. Illegals are in our country and if they don’t like how we run things then they can go back home and try to change what is bad about their home but do not expect to come here and demand you have rights because the truth is you don’t, you have to be a citizen of our country to have rights.
It is more blessed to give but when someone gives too much and gets nothing in return then who loses, the giver. I am sure God never intended for someone to give to the point they have nothing and that is what America is doing, giving it all away and for what, to be politically correct or because we can’t say no and look like an uncharitable nation? The time has come for America to put the brakes on giving before there is nothing left to give. The bleeding of America needs to stop.
In 2006 29 billion dollars of taxpayer’s money was used for earmarks, which shows our government has no problem spending our money. That takes this whole more blessed to give thing and make you want to become a real scrooge. To be honest, that is what the government needs to do is become more of a scrooge with our money. Wasteful spending does not help our cause as a nation it is only hurting it. Why is it these politicians get to take our money and spend it on things like letting under privileged kids getting golf balls? How many kids do you see or hear wanting to learn to play golf? To me it is a crime and in no ways charitable. Then we have corporation that are asking congress for more HB-1 visas, so they can import more workers at lower wages thus keeping Americans out of work. Bill Gates asked congress for an infinite amount of HB-1 visas because he claims that there are not enough Americans to fill these so-called high tech jobs. That in itself is a lie. We have too many kids that are graduating college and can’t get high tech jobs because of corporations hiring and outsourcing jobs to save money. I wonder if Bill Gates remembers when he was starting out how tough it was to get ahead. Just giving away jobs to people who are not Americans is hitting our economy hard, how can we be a productive nation if corporations are not willing to give jobs to people that are citizens of this country? Bottom line, jobs need to stay in America if we are to be a strong and productive nation. What these corporations fail to realize is that if they hire the American worker and pay them a fair wage, they win by having a nation that has money to spend thus giving them the ability to make more money (gee, I ain’t even an accountant and I know that).
Special interest groups such as the ACLU are killing the American people. They are suppose to be helping Americans, hence the big ole A in front of their name but instead they have taken up the cause for people that aren’t even citizens of our nation. What is wrong with that picture? Why is their money going to help illegal immigrants? Why has our government and special interest groups forgotten about the American people they say they serve? We have people losing their homes to foreclosures by the millions and we have the ACLU screaming about rights for people that are not even legal citizens. To say the ACLU has loss it grip on reality is to put it mildly. They as a group need to worry about Americans not people who broke the law by coming into our country illegally and putting a strain on our economy. They need to stick up for Americans that can’t get jobs due to illegals and outsourcing corporate America. To me that would be a more blessed way to give.
Illegal immigrants are hurting us as a country, I have said this before and I hate sounding like a broken record but it is so true. Illegals are putting hospitals out of business, causing wages to be driven down below the cost of inflation, and putting the biggest strain on our welfare system. People that come into our country illegally that take, take, take, and expect even more from us. How much do we have to bend over and give to these people that aren’t even citizens? It is bad enough that we have the President of Mexico getting involved with our affairs on their behave stating they have a right to be here. It is very simple if you are not a citizen you do not have rights here, you do not get to vote, you do not deserve benefits from our government, and you are not allow to protest and spew anti-American sediments and wave your countries flag on our soil. I have heard illegals sob stories and I am not buying into it and from what the polls are saying neither are most Americans. They have bled us dry by taking and we, as citizens are tired of it. Illegals are in our country and if they don’t like how we run things then they can go back home and try to change what is bad about their home but do not expect to come here and demand you have rights because the truth is you don’t, you have to be a citizen of our country to have rights.
It is more blessed to give but when someone gives too much and gets nothing in return then who loses, the giver. I am sure God never intended for someone to give to the point they have nothing and that is what America is doing, giving it all away and for what, to be politically correct or because we can’t say no and look like an uncharitable nation? The time has come for America to put the brakes on giving before there is nothing left to give. The bleeding of America needs to stop.
Tuesday, November 13, 2007
This Thursday will mark my fifth year being married to my husband, Jeff and I have not regretted for minute saying “I do” to him. I still am wondering when the honeymoon phase is going to end for us but really I don’t see it ending in some respects. I believe with him and I we started our relationship off right by laying down a firm foundation and with each year we are together, like laying bricks to the foundation, we only make it stronger. You see we started off as friends that turned into best friends and from there we moved on to being more than just best friends. Only he knows my deepest darkest secrets but then again that is the way it should be and I can’t imagine anyone else knowing what he does. I trust him more than life itself and he is the one that makes me feel safe and secure within life and being who I really am. He honors me my letting me be me without any criticism or judgment. To me that is the strongest foundation any relationship can be built on and one that will endure the test of time.
After five years of being with him I still can’t stand it when he is not around, I miss him terribly and love the weekends when we have 48 hours of just being together. Last night was the first night we spent apart and I hated it, all because of the raising gas prices Jeff thought it was best he stay at his folks to save money instead of doing five days of his usual 100 mile round trip to and from work. Now I totally understand and agree with what he is doing but it doesn’t mean I have to like it. Last night I got a real taste of what life would be like without him and I don’t even want to go there. It just was not the same not being able to hear him or see him on the computer or for that fact having a conversation with a real adult. It hit me that hardest when I went to bed (had a hard time falling asleep) and woke up and he wasn’t there. I didn’t have to wake him up for work and I didn’t get my usual kiss goodbye, I got nothing and to me it was like a smack in the face. Funny how we take the little things for granted isn’t it? But with me my routine was not in its norm and I didn’t get to see or kiss my husband goodbye this morning and this is something I don’t want to live without. I realize without him being here it was like someone cut off my arm, a part of me and I felt lost. That was a horrible feeling.
You see there are some things that go hand and hand in life and with Jeff and I we are one of those things that go hand and hand, like ying and yang, Mutt and Jeff, and Romeo and Juliet, you can’t imagine one without the other. That is how we started, people thought we were good for and with each other. If you saw Jeff you were sure that I wasn’t too far behind and vice versa. Alone we were fine but put us together we were like the final pieces of the puzzle that made the picture complete, at least that is how I look at it. I feel that I am one of the luckiest people in the world because I was fortunate enough to find my soul mate or that piece of the puzzle to complete who I am and winning the lottery could not compare to what I have now. So in that respect I won the lottery of life. Five years of marriage to someone who I know loves me, completes me, and who is and will always be there for me. Five years of marriage where we have not gotten into a knock down dragged out fight over the little or big things but five years of marriage where we trust that we are doing what is best for each other and know we got each others back when the times get tough.
This leaves me wondering what the next five, ten, or fifty years might hold for us? I do know that I will be with him until my time is done on earth and I know we will have our ups and downs but the one most important thing is I can look back over all the years we will spend together and never once regret for one second marrying him. For me it is nice to know I finally got it right and married my best friend, keeper of my secrets, and the one person who knows me better than I know myself. The only person I would ever want to grow old with and share whatever adventures life holds for us. So happy anniversary baby, I love you! Finally I close with the chorus of a song by Rascal Flatts, “God Bless The Broken Road”, to me Jeff, the chorus says it all about how I feel about you.
“Every long lost dream led me to where you are
Others who broke my heart they were like Northern stars
Pointing me on my way into your loving arms
This much I know is true
That God blessed the broken road
That led me straight to you”
After five years of being with him I still can’t stand it when he is not around, I miss him terribly and love the weekends when we have 48 hours of just being together. Last night was the first night we spent apart and I hated it, all because of the raising gas prices Jeff thought it was best he stay at his folks to save money instead of doing five days of his usual 100 mile round trip to and from work. Now I totally understand and agree with what he is doing but it doesn’t mean I have to like it. Last night I got a real taste of what life would be like without him and I don’t even want to go there. It just was not the same not being able to hear him or see him on the computer or for that fact having a conversation with a real adult. It hit me that hardest when I went to bed (had a hard time falling asleep) and woke up and he wasn’t there. I didn’t have to wake him up for work and I didn’t get my usual kiss goodbye, I got nothing and to me it was like a smack in the face. Funny how we take the little things for granted isn’t it? But with me my routine was not in its norm and I didn’t get to see or kiss my husband goodbye this morning and this is something I don’t want to live without. I realize without him being here it was like someone cut off my arm, a part of me and I felt lost. That was a horrible feeling.
You see there are some things that go hand and hand in life and with Jeff and I we are one of those things that go hand and hand, like ying and yang, Mutt and Jeff, and Romeo and Juliet, you can’t imagine one without the other. That is how we started, people thought we were good for and with each other. If you saw Jeff you were sure that I wasn’t too far behind and vice versa. Alone we were fine but put us together we were like the final pieces of the puzzle that made the picture complete, at least that is how I look at it. I feel that I am one of the luckiest people in the world because I was fortunate enough to find my soul mate or that piece of the puzzle to complete who I am and winning the lottery could not compare to what I have now. So in that respect I won the lottery of life. Five years of marriage to someone who I know loves me, completes me, and who is and will always be there for me. Five years of marriage where we have not gotten into a knock down dragged out fight over the little or big things but five years of marriage where we trust that we are doing what is best for each other and know we got each others back when the times get tough.
This leaves me wondering what the next five, ten, or fifty years might hold for us? I do know that I will be with him until my time is done on earth and I know we will have our ups and downs but the one most important thing is I can look back over all the years we will spend together and never once regret for one second marrying him. For me it is nice to know I finally got it right and married my best friend, keeper of my secrets, and the one person who knows me better than I know myself. The only person I would ever want to grow old with and share whatever adventures life holds for us. So happy anniversary baby, I love you! Finally I close with the chorus of a song by Rascal Flatts, “God Bless The Broken Road”, to me Jeff, the chorus says it all about how I feel about you.
“Every long lost dream led me to where you are
Others who broke my heart they were like Northern stars
Pointing me on my way into your loving arms
This much I know is true
That God blessed the broken road
That led me straight to you”
Monday, November 12, 2007
My husband said it best yesterday when describing next week 2007 season finale for Nascar; “It’s like the Dallas Cowboys going to the Superbowl by themselves and having their offensive team playing against their defensive team.” Now would you buy a ticket to see that? I sure wouldn’t. Next week in Homestead, Florida you will have teammate against teammate going for the Nextel cup with Jeff Gordon and Jimmy Johnson. After last nights race it is more than certain that Jimmy Johnson is going to win the title, that is if he can finish 18 or better next week and chances are he will. As a fan of Nascar I feel at this point why even watch the race next week because there will be no excitement to the season’s end. Sure I could watch and only hope that Jimmy will have some kind of mechanical failure and get a DNF but chances of that are slim to none.
Most the drivers I am sure are more than ready for this season to end so they can get a break and prepare for next season in hopes that they can break the monopoly that Hendricks has on wins and the COT. I sure hope they can as well, this season has proven to be a real bore with Hendricks stinking up the wins this year. I am also in hopes for next year that every time I turn the race on I don’t have to hear about what a powerhouses Jimmy and Jeff are. Lets face it we need competition and excitement with the races something that was very much lacking with this season. This year watching the races I felt like I was watching the Jimmy and Jeff Nextel cup races. The announcers were always focusing on them to the point you even knew what type of underwear they were wearing sicken to say the least. One can only hope that next season we will get a variety as far as winning goes, thus making the chase one you would want to watch.
Another thing that was a real bore this year was the constant focus on Juan Montoya, there was no doubt he was going to win rookie of the year with the way Nascar carried on about him as if he was the only rookie out there. I felt bad for the other rookies because they didn’t have a hope to win that title. Next season we have more formula drivers coming over to Nextel, how much you want to bet that Dario Franchitti will be rookie of the year next season. I have always been a firm believer when it comes to driving in the cup series that a driver needs to pay their dues and work their up to being in the Nextel series. To me it is just maddening how some owners are grabbing up formula drivers and plopping them into the big league stock cars without having them start out in ARCA or the Busch series first so they can learn how to handle the stock cars. Having these formula drivers coming over and right into the Nextel series to me is a real danger to the other drivers. I also think about all of those drivers that have started out on dirt tracks and have worked their way up and paid their dues that are being over looked by these owners for formula drivers, to me that is a crying shame. The Nextel series is suppose to be the best of the best when it comes to stock car racing but instead has become whom from formula driving can we bring over now. I have never driven a stock car or a formula car but I do know there is a BIG difference between the cars and you can’t tell me these formula drivers are pros driving stock cars, to me having them come over and not proving themselves first takes away from the whole prestige of being in the Nextel series.
So let us all hope that next season will bring some excitement, some hope that there is more to 2008 then Jimmy or Jeff. I want to see a variety of different winners not just Hendrick drivers. To me and I am sure a lot of other fans out there it would be nice to see the excitement brought back to Nascar instead of having “who is going to win this weekend, Jimmy or Jeff?” Let us all hope that next year we don’t have to hear about how wonderful the formula drivers coming over are, because to me they haven’t proved themselves and have no business being in the Nextel series. Let us all hope for that matter that Nascar officials put an end to them coming over to the Nextel series without proving themselves first in other series and end the danger to the other drivers. Lets just hope 2008 will bring Nascar back to the way it was, good ole real racing.
Most the drivers I am sure are more than ready for this season to end so they can get a break and prepare for next season in hopes that they can break the monopoly that Hendricks has on wins and the COT. I sure hope they can as well, this season has proven to be a real bore with Hendricks stinking up the wins this year. I am also in hopes for next year that every time I turn the race on I don’t have to hear about what a powerhouses Jimmy and Jeff are. Lets face it we need competition and excitement with the races something that was very much lacking with this season. This year watching the races I felt like I was watching the Jimmy and Jeff Nextel cup races. The announcers were always focusing on them to the point you even knew what type of underwear they were wearing sicken to say the least. One can only hope that next season we will get a variety as far as winning goes, thus making the chase one you would want to watch.
Another thing that was a real bore this year was the constant focus on Juan Montoya, there was no doubt he was going to win rookie of the year with the way Nascar carried on about him as if he was the only rookie out there. I felt bad for the other rookies because they didn’t have a hope to win that title. Next season we have more formula drivers coming over to Nextel, how much you want to bet that Dario Franchitti will be rookie of the year next season. I have always been a firm believer when it comes to driving in the cup series that a driver needs to pay their dues and work their up to being in the Nextel series. To me it is just maddening how some owners are grabbing up formula drivers and plopping them into the big league stock cars without having them start out in ARCA or the Busch series first so they can learn how to handle the stock cars. Having these formula drivers coming over and right into the Nextel series to me is a real danger to the other drivers. I also think about all of those drivers that have started out on dirt tracks and have worked their way up and paid their dues that are being over looked by these owners for formula drivers, to me that is a crying shame. The Nextel series is suppose to be the best of the best when it comes to stock car racing but instead has become whom from formula driving can we bring over now. I have never driven a stock car or a formula car but I do know there is a BIG difference between the cars and you can’t tell me these formula drivers are pros driving stock cars, to me having them come over and not proving themselves first takes away from the whole prestige of being in the Nextel series.
So let us all hope that next season will bring some excitement, some hope that there is more to 2008 then Jimmy or Jeff. I want to see a variety of different winners not just Hendrick drivers. To me and I am sure a lot of other fans out there it would be nice to see the excitement brought back to Nascar instead of having “who is going to win this weekend, Jimmy or Jeff?” Let us all hope that next year we don’t have to hear about how wonderful the formula drivers coming over are, because to me they haven’t proved themselves and have no business being in the Nextel series. Let us all hope for that matter that Nascar officials put an end to them coming over to the Nextel series without proving themselves first in other series and end the danger to the other drivers. Lets just hope 2008 will bring Nascar back to the way it was, good ole real racing.
Saturday, November 10, 2007
I often post on an immigration reform forum and often deal with pro-illegal types that comeback with what I call the standard answers. These answers often lack imagination and real thought but then again looking at the source I am not surprised to say the least. I often wonder if pro-illegals even have a brain, for the most part with their responses they show they can’t spell, write a complete sentence, or stay on topic with what is being discussed. So lets take a hard look at the mentality of this particular group and try to understand where they are coming from, even though this may be fruitless but then again as the saying goes “know thy own enemy” comes in to play here.
The most common comeback this group will throw at you when you state that anyone here illegally should be deported is that you are a racist. Definition of a racist is the following:
adj 1: based on racial intolerance; "racist remarks"
2: discriminatory especially on the basis of race or religion
[syn: antiblack, anti-Semitic, anti-Semite]
n : a person with a prejudiced belief that one race is superior
to others [syn: racialist]
Now that everyone here has a clear understanding what a racist is we can move on and try to understand better this definition. Now by anyone who states the opinion that they are against illegals coming into the United States and receiving governments benefits does not apply to the defination above. What it does apply to is the fact that people who are for immigration reform want people to come to our country legally. Now notice I did not pick out any one race, person, or say anything anti-semitic. But with pro-illegals they feel that any kind of reform is being racist, to say the least that in itself is pure ignorance. Some may say the people that want immgration reform are solely against Mexicans for instants, and true for the most part most illegals do come in the country via our southern border but Mexicans are not the only ones that come in our country via the southern border. You have people from South America and for that fact terrorist coming to our country via the southern border. Bottom line here is that most people are coming into this country illegally from the south, and statistics don’t lie. Is it racism for wanting immigration reform? No it is not, what it is about is wanting the laws upheld and our borders secure. So my dear pro-illegal lovers you need to use what brain matter you have and come up with a better comeback than racism because that comeback is a very weak one at that. When you do comeback at me with the so called racist term I laugh at you because you truly do not understand the meaning behind what you say.
The other one I love is the insult, oh yes, when they can’t think of any intelligent thing to say they will start with the name calling. Juvenile to say the least with the school playground tactics they use. Again showing what little brain matter they have. I have been called the B-word, C-word, and a white supremist. It is so easy for them to start with the name calling but then again it opens them up to showing just how unsecure, weak-minded, and uneducated they are. Instead of debating the issue at hand or even researching the matter they would perfer to call you a name because you believe reform is needed and for the life of them they can’t debate the issue because of their narrow-minded views. Really people come to the table of discussion without the name calling because in the end you do nothing for your cause except make more people want to lash out on you for your pure ignorance.
They will also tell you that the United States is their country and that we the Europeans invaded it so many years ago and it is us that need to be deported. I even have been told that Christopher Colombus was the one that founded this country by them. Newsflash to them Christopher never hit the shores of the United States what he found was more closer to South America, thus showing the lack of education on their part. True the fact is everyone immigrated here at one point or another even the American Indians did as well but it was the Europeans that finally in the end came and settled here and setup the government that we know today and anyone from any other country cannot stake claim to this land as their own if they are not a legal citizen of it pure and simple. The final rebuttal then for anyone that says this is their land then show me the deed to it because if you don’t have that then my friend this is not your land.
Then we have the “but they are human beings and they have rights” bologna. Everyone has rights but rights under the law of the country in which they live in. Some countries do violate the rights of their people, now notice I said the “rights of THEIR people”. If you come into a country illegally, meaning not coming in to a country legally, then should you or anyone else deserve to have any rights within that government system? Plain and simply put no you shouldn’t. When a person or persons that come into a country illegally they do not swear alligence to that country, pay taxes, or denouce ties to their former homeland. So then why should the United States give rights to people that have not sworn alligence to it? Why should anyone that comes illegally be given benefits, a voice within the government, or be allow to protest the laws we have setup for its citizens to follow? Pro-illegals answer is because they are human beings, well a murder, rapist, or theif is a human being, does that mean they have rights too? They are criminals just as much as someone that comes here illegally, hence the term illegal meaning not legal, breaking the law. Within our government we have setup laws for people that break its laws and they are punished so if you come here illegally then you have broke a law and are then subject to punishment set by our laws and therefore have no rights under our laws. The meaning illegal versus legal becomes so blurred within the forums that I preticipate in that it is almost a joke. There is no gray line here only black and white, with legal meaning you came into the country legally and illegal meaning you came in the country illegally, now how simple is that. But with pro-illegals their view is very distorted on that matter showing them as weak on understanding common basic laws.
I really could go on and on with their feeble attempts trying to get their bleeding heart views across but in the debate on illegal immigration they have no real leg to stand on with this issue. The United States has always been a gracious country when it comes to welcoming immgrants that come legally and now today most Americans are fed up with the masses that come into our country illegally. We have the right and need to stop this, control of our country has to be enforced if we are to survive. We cannot tolerate nor support people that come here illegally claiming we are violating their rights when in truth they have no rights under our law. Rights under the law should only be afforded to those that are legal citizens anything else would be pure lunceny.
The most common comeback this group will throw at you when you state that anyone here illegally should be deported is that you are a racist. Definition of a racist is the following:
adj 1: based on racial intolerance; "racist remarks"
2: discriminatory especially on the basis of race or religion
[syn: antiblack, anti-Semitic, anti-Semite]
n : a person with a prejudiced belief that one race is superior
to others [syn: racialist]
Now that everyone here has a clear understanding what a racist is we can move on and try to understand better this definition. Now by anyone who states the opinion that they are against illegals coming into the United States and receiving governments benefits does not apply to the defination above. What it does apply to is the fact that people who are for immigration reform want people to come to our country legally. Now notice I did not pick out any one race, person, or say anything anti-semitic. But with pro-illegals they feel that any kind of reform is being racist, to say the least that in itself is pure ignorance. Some may say the people that want immgration reform are solely against Mexicans for instants, and true for the most part most illegals do come in the country via our southern border but Mexicans are not the only ones that come in our country via the southern border. You have people from South America and for that fact terrorist coming to our country via the southern border. Bottom line here is that most people are coming into this country illegally from the south, and statistics don’t lie. Is it racism for wanting immigration reform? No it is not, what it is about is wanting the laws upheld and our borders secure. So my dear pro-illegal lovers you need to use what brain matter you have and come up with a better comeback than racism because that comeback is a very weak one at that. When you do comeback at me with the so called racist term I laugh at you because you truly do not understand the meaning behind what you say.
The other one I love is the insult, oh yes, when they can’t think of any intelligent thing to say they will start with the name calling. Juvenile to say the least with the school playground tactics they use. Again showing what little brain matter they have. I have been called the B-word, C-word, and a white supremist. It is so easy for them to start with the name calling but then again it opens them up to showing just how unsecure, weak-minded, and uneducated they are. Instead of debating the issue at hand or even researching the matter they would perfer to call you a name because you believe reform is needed and for the life of them they can’t debate the issue because of their narrow-minded views. Really people come to the table of discussion without the name calling because in the end you do nothing for your cause except make more people want to lash out on you for your pure ignorance.
They will also tell you that the United States is their country and that we the Europeans invaded it so many years ago and it is us that need to be deported. I even have been told that Christopher Colombus was the one that founded this country by them. Newsflash to them Christopher never hit the shores of the United States what he found was more closer to South America, thus showing the lack of education on their part. True the fact is everyone immigrated here at one point or another even the American Indians did as well but it was the Europeans that finally in the end came and settled here and setup the government that we know today and anyone from any other country cannot stake claim to this land as their own if they are not a legal citizen of it pure and simple. The final rebuttal then for anyone that says this is their land then show me the deed to it because if you don’t have that then my friend this is not your land.
Then we have the “but they are human beings and they have rights” bologna. Everyone has rights but rights under the law of the country in which they live in. Some countries do violate the rights of their people, now notice I said the “rights of THEIR people”. If you come into a country illegally, meaning not coming in to a country legally, then should you or anyone else deserve to have any rights within that government system? Plain and simply put no you shouldn’t. When a person or persons that come into a country illegally they do not swear alligence to that country, pay taxes, or denouce ties to their former homeland. So then why should the United States give rights to people that have not sworn alligence to it? Why should anyone that comes illegally be given benefits, a voice within the government, or be allow to protest the laws we have setup for its citizens to follow? Pro-illegals answer is because they are human beings, well a murder, rapist, or theif is a human being, does that mean they have rights too? They are criminals just as much as someone that comes here illegally, hence the term illegal meaning not legal, breaking the law. Within our government we have setup laws for people that break its laws and they are punished so if you come here illegally then you have broke a law and are then subject to punishment set by our laws and therefore have no rights under our laws. The meaning illegal versus legal becomes so blurred within the forums that I preticipate in that it is almost a joke. There is no gray line here only black and white, with legal meaning you came into the country legally and illegal meaning you came in the country illegally, now how simple is that. But with pro-illegals their view is very distorted on that matter showing them as weak on understanding common basic laws.
I really could go on and on with their feeble attempts trying to get their bleeding heart views across but in the debate on illegal immigration they have no real leg to stand on with this issue. The United States has always been a gracious country when it comes to welcoming immgrants that come legally and now today most Americans are fed up with the masses that come into our country illegally. We have the right and need to stop this, control of our country has to be enforced if we are to survive. We cannot tolerate nor support people that come here illegally claiming we are violating their rights when in truth they have no rights under our law. Rights under the law should only be afforded to those that are legal citizens anything else would be pure lunceny.
Thursday, November 8, 2007
It is happening and it is hurting the majority of Americans. Today’s middle class Americans are faced with home foreclosures, raising gas prices, wages not matching the cost of living and the struggle of living from paycheck to paycheck. Right now the future is bleak for middle class America. What is our government going to do about this situation and how are they going to help countless American people in their plight to live a decent life? As it stands right now, they do nothing and are the biggest reason middle class America is in its demise.
Yesterday my husband said he heard on the news that gas prices could be as much as $4.00 a gallon by springtime, which is a total outrage. It is to the point most Americans have to decide between buying necessities or getting to and from work to get a paycheck that can’t even cover the basics of life. Christmas is going to be nonexistent in our house this year along with the struggle of trying to figure out how to get the bills, mortgage, and buying food taken care of. What kind of life is that? I am sure there are many out there facing what our family is facing and wondering where it will all end. How are we supposed to contribute to the economy when all of our expendable assets are given to the oil companies so we can get to work? Retail companies are doing what they can to boost sales for Christmas by starting to advertise early this year, sorry to say for them but it is not going to work. Too many people I know can’t afford the holidays this year because we are too worried we may not have a home for much longer or can’t afford to even go to work for that matter.
One has to wonder if this is the government and big corporations ways of trying to control the American people by making them dependent on them or trying to break our will. Bush will bend over backwards to help them out such as the lending companies but won’t do a thing to help out the people. It was the lending companies that put everyone in the financial mess they are in with their homes by offering loan products that were doomed to force people into foreclosures. It is the government’s fault for not stopping businesses from hiring cheap illegal labor or outsourcing jobs to other countries to drive down American wages. The government continues to let Americans get rape at the gas pump while the oil companies make billions in profit every year and does nothing to try and combat the problem to help the people. The government continues to let this happen so big corporation and their pockets are filled, while middle class America suffers and becomes the new poor. When will this insanity end?
Americans are fed up with a government that only panders to special interest groups, big corporations, and helping the needs of other countries and ignore the very thing that put them in their office, THE AMERICAN PEOPLE! I know they cannot break our will; Americans are people of strong values, morals, and patriotism and will not give up the good fight. The government has put itself in a place where it is us against them and we know who will win this fight. Americans will not go quietly into then night and we will prevail in this battle to be heard. We are in some ways winning this fight with the Save Act now being introduced in Congress, the first real proposal for immigration and border control. This is only the beginning for immigration reform and we cannot now give up on wanting more change and we have to hold the government accountable on this issue. Now we must let the government know their jobs are at stake if they do nothing in regards to the outrageous gas prices, jobs, and increasing home foreclosures hitting Americans hard. Bottom line is we put them into office and we are their bosses and we have to make them work for us and not their own agendas.
Ben Franklin said it best when he wrote about choosing the rattlesnake to describe the American people and was later put on the Gadsden Flag with the words, “Don’t Tread On Me.”
“I recollected that her eye excelled in brightness, that of any other animal, and that she has no eye-lids—She may therefore be esteemed an emblem of vigilance.—She never begins an attack, nor, when once engaged, ever surrenders: She is therefore an emblem of magnanimity and true courage.—As if anxious to prevent all pretentions of quarrelling with her, the weapons with which nature has furnished her, she conceals in the roof of her mouth, so that, to those who are unacquainted with her, she appears to be a most defenceless animal; and even when those weapons are shewn and extended for her defence, they appear weak and contemptible; but their wounds however small, are decisive and fatal:—Conscious of this, she never wounds till she has generously given notice, even to her enemy, and cautioned him against the danger of treading on her.—Was I wrong, Sir, in thinking this a strong picture of the temper and conduct of America?”
To me that really sums up what we are as a nation of people and let us not let our government forget that!
Yesterday my husband said he heard on the news that gas prices could be as much as $4.00 a gallon by springtime, which is a total outrage. It is to the point most Americans have to decide between buying necessities or getting to and from work to get a paycheck that can’t even cover the basics of life. Christmas is going to be nonexistent in our house this year along with the struggle of trying to figure out how to get the bills, mortgage, and buying food taken care of. What kind of life is that? I am sure there are many out there facing what our family is facing and wondering where it will all end. How are we supposed to contribute to the economy when all of our expendable assets are given to the oil companies so we can get to work? Retail companies are doing what they can to boost sales for Christmas by starting to advertise early this year, sorry to say for them but it is not going to work. Too many people I know can’t afford the holidays this year because we are too worried we may not have a home for much longer or can’t afford to even go to work for that matter.
One has to wonder if this is the government and big corporations ways of trying to control the American people by making them dependent on them or trying to break our will. Bush will bend over backwards to help them out such as the lending companies but won’t do a thing to help out the people. It was the lending companies that put everyone in the financial mess they are in with their homes by offering loan products that were doomed to force people into foreclosures. It is the government’s fault for not stopping businesses from hiring cheap illegal labor or outsourcing jobs to other countries to drive down American wages. The government continues to let Americans get rape at the gas pump while the oil companies make billions in profit every year and does nothing to try and combat the problem to help the people. The government continues to let this happen so big corporation and their pockets are filled, while middle class America suffers and becomes the new poor. When will this insanity end?
Americans are fed up with a government that only panders to special interest groups, big corporations, and helping the needs of other countries and ignore the very thing that put them in their office, THE AMERICAN PEOPLE! I know they cannot break our will; Americans are people of strong values, morals, and patriotism and will not give up the good fight. The government has put itself in a place where it is us against them and we know who will win this fight. Americans will not go quietly into then night and we will prevail in this battle to be heard. We are in some ways winning this fight with the Save Act now being introduced in Congress, the first real proposal for immigration and border control. This is only the beginning for immigration reform and we cannot now give up on wanting more change and we have to hold the government accountable on this issue. Now we must let the government know their jobs are at stake if they do nothing in regards to the outrageous gas prices, jobs, and increasing home foreclosures hitting Americans hard. Bottom line is we put them into office and we are their bosses and we have to make them work for us and not their own agendas.
Ben Franklin said it best when he wrote about choosing the rattlesnake to describe the American people and was later put on the Gadsden Flag with the words, “Don’t Tread On Me.”
“I recollected that her eye excelled in brightness, that of any other animal, and that she has no eye-lids—She may therefore be esteemed an emblem of vigilance.—She never begins an attack, nor, when once engaged, ever surrenders: She is therefore an emblem of magnanimity and true courage.—As if anxious to prevent all pretentions of quarrelling with her, the weapons with which nature has furnished her, she conceals in the roof of her mouth, so that, to those who are unacquainted with her, she appears to be a most defenceless animal; and even when those weapons are shewn and extended for her defence, they appear weak and contemptible; but their wounds however small, are decisive and fatal:—Conscious of this, she never wounds till she has generously given notice, even to her enemy, and cautioned him against the danger of treading on her.—Was I wrong, Sir, in thinking this a strong picture of the temper and conduct of America?”
To me that really sums up what we are as a nation of people and let us not let our government forget that!
Wednesday, November 7, 2007
I hope for your sake you are not suffering from this dreadful H. Clinton disease. Hear are some of the ways you can tell if you are suffering from the disease:
· You believe anything that comes out of her vial mouth.
· You believe she would make a great President.
· You don’t think she flip-flopped in the Democratic debate on Spitzer’s driver license to illegal immigrants.
· You have total amnesia of the Clinton years and forgot about all of those scandals associated to the White House.
· You don’t think she is a Socialist.
· You don’t believe she wants to be President to feed her own need for power.
· You believe she wants to be President because she is for the people.
These are just some of the symptoms of the H. Clinton disease. If you have any of those symptoms then you need to as soon as possible start getting a dose of reality before it is too late for you and this country. Out of all of the candidates running for President, Ms. Hillary seems to be the shadiest one of the bunch. I myself have always trusted my gut when it says something is not right with someone, and 9 times out of 10 my gut is always right. Years ago when ole Bill was elected President my first response was, “there goes the country!” Now hindsight has proven me right. During the Clinton years our country was subjected to scandals, people who had evidence of the Clinton’s doing criminal acts mysteriously dying, and the total disgrace they brought to the White House and our country. Now today we are faced with an opportunity to have that all back again and my gut is screaming, “HELL NO!”
Think about it, what if Hillary does become President and what might happen to our country? There are no doubts she wants the government to control every aspect of our lives because in her mind we are all mindless idiots that can’t take care of ourselves. Trust me all you Clinton lovers, deep down you are all mindless twits to her that need her to help you do everything. One very scary fact with ole Hill is that her press secretary is one of the leading members of La Raza, a group that supports illegal immigration and also spews anti-American sediments, now doesn’t that give you a nice and warm fuzzy feeling? Terrorist groups have also made it known they want her as President, gee I wonder why? Do they know something we don’t, wouldn’t surprise me if she is in bed with them so to speak, lord knows with her past and scandals I wouldn’t put it pass her. She even has accepted tens of thousands of dollars from Pakistan lobbyists (my gut is screaming here!).
Lets take a look at her personality, on camera she appears to be passionate and caring but off camera you will get the evil Hillary. There have been many reports of people that have worked with her who will attest to the evil Hillary. When Bill was in office Hillary demanded to have her office where the Vice President had his and it was a known fact that when she was in the hall of the building no one was to talk to her and if you did you got your head bit off. Here is another wonderful quote from this sweet and caring lady, “Personal, trained pigs.”-Hillary describing Secret Service. (Unlimited Access, p. 90). I really think some anger management would be good for her, just think if she becomes President will she fly of the handle at another world leader if she doesn’t like what they say to her? There is plenty on the net to show Hillary has no control with her emotions and that she is, in my opinion very unstable.
As far as the issues go, we know she is for globalization, open borders, and selling America off to the highest bidder (after all she needs to make a buck off us somehow). The thing that scares me the most with her is when she could not stand firm on the Spitzer’s driver license issue during the Democratic debate, will this mean when she is in office that she won’t be able to stand firm when our country is threaten? If you are going to be President you will be faced with issues sometimes that demand quick decisions and you can’t be a “fence sitter” when faced with issues, you have to take a stand. To me Hillary is very weak in this area and her so called playing the victim will not work in office. She felt like she was picked on during the debate by the so called boys, well honey get use to it because you will have to deal with it if elected and your whiny victim act will not cut it.
I stated a few reasons as to why I do not want her as President and I believe my reasons are good ones but I know there are those die hard Clinton fans that are blinded to the truth of what she is and stands for and I hope they do wake-up and really take a look at what might be if she is elected President. Hillary states that she speaks for women but she does not speak for this woman, I have known people too close to the Clintons during Bill’s Presidency and I for one could not and will not stomach another Clinton Presidency because the thoughts of it are too scary to fathom. A very important choice will be upon us next November and I hope for our countrys sake the American people don’t fall for Hillary’s lies and let her obtained what she has wanted all her life, the most powerful office in the world. If we let that happen we will only have ourselves to blame, so lets not be victims of hindsight and do the right thing by not letting this calculating thug have the power she craves to ruin our lives.
Here are some interesting links for reading:
· You believe anything that comes out of her vial mouth.
· You believe she would make a great President.
· You don’t think she flip-flopped in the Democratic debate on Spitzer’s driver license to illegal immigrants.
· You have total amnesia of the Clinton years and forgot about all of those scandals associated to the White House.
· You don’t think she is a Socialist.
· You don’t believe she wants to be President to feed her own need for power.
· You believe she wants to be President because she is for the people.
These are just some of the symptoms of the H. Clinton disease. If you have any of those symptoms then you need to as soon as possible start getting a dose of reality before it is too late for you and this country. Out of all of the candidates running for President, Ms. Hillary seems to be the shadiest one of the bunch. I myself have always trusted my gut when it says something is not right with someone, and 9 times out of 10 my gut is always right. Years ago when ole Bill was elected President my first response was, “there goes the country!” Now hindsight has proven me right. During the Clinton years our country was subjected to scandals, people who had evidence of the Clinton’s doing criminal acts mysteriously dying, and the total disgrace they brought to the White House and our country. Now today we are faced with an opportunity to have that all back again and my gut is screaming, “HELL NO!”
Think about it, what if Hillary does become President and what might happen to our country? There are no doubts she wants the government to control every aspect of our lives because in her mind we are all mindless idiots that can’t take care of ourselves. Trust me all you Clinton lovers, deep down you are all mindless twits to her that need her to help you do everything. One very scary fact with ole Hill is that her press secretary is one of the leading members of La Raza, a group that supports illegal immigration and also spews anti-American sediments, now doesn’t that give you a nice and warm fuzzy feeling? Terrorist groups have also made it known they want her as President, gee I wonder why? Do they know something we don’t, wouldn’t surprise me if she is in bed with them so to speak, lord knows with her past and scandals I wouldn’t put it pass her. She even has accepted tens of thousands of dollars from Pakistan lobbyists (my gut is screaming here!).
Lets take a look at her personality, on camera she appears to be passionate and caring but off camera you will get the evil Hillary. There have been many reports of people that have worked with her who will attest to the evil Hillary. When Bill was in office Hillary demanded to have her office where the Vice President had his and it was a known fact that when she was in the hall of the building no one was to talk to her and if you did you got your head bit off. Here is another wonderful quote from this sweet and caring lady, “Personal, trained pigs.”-Hillary describing Secret Service. (Unlimited Access, p. 90). I really think some anger management would be good for her, just think if she becomes President will she fly of the handle at another world leader if she doesn’t like what they say to her? There is plenty on the net to show Hillary has no control with her emotions and that she is, in my opinion very unstable.
As far as the issues go, we know she is for globalization, open borders, and selling America off to the highest bidder (after all she needs to make a buck off us somehow). The thing that scares me the most with her is when she could not stand firm on the Spitzer’s driver license issue during the Democratic debate, will this mean when she is in office that she won’t be able to stand firm when our country is threaten? If you are going to be President you will be faced with issues sometimes that demand quick decisions and you can’t be a “fence sitter” when faced with issues, you have to take a stand. To me Hillary is very weak in this area and her so called playing the victim will not work in office. She felt like she was picked on during the debate by the so called boys, well honey get use to it because you will have to deal with it if elected and your whiny victim act will not cut it.
I stated a few reasons as to why I do not want her as President and I believe my reasons are good ones but I know there are those die hard Clinton fans that are blinded to the truth of what she is and stands for and I hope they do wake-up and really take a look at what might be if she is elected President. Hillary states that she speaks for women but she does not speak for this woman, I have known people too close to the Clintons during Bill’s Presidency and I for one could not and will not stomach another Clinton Presidency because the thoughts of it are too scary to fathom. A very important choice will be upon us next November and I hope for our countrys sake the American people don’t fall for Hillary’s lies and let her obtained what she has wanted all her life, the most powerful office in the world. If we let that happen we will only have ourselves to blame, so lets not be victims of hindsight and do the right thing by not letting this calculating thug have the power she craves to ruin our lives.
Here are some interesting links for reading:
Monday, November 5, 2007
I never guess. It is a capital mistake to theorize before one has data. Insensibly one begins to twist facts to suit theories, instead of theories to suit facts.
- Sir Arthur Conan Doyle
The above quote by Sir Arthur Conan Doyle pretty much sums up our media today. The media has the most unique way of taking facts to suit their theories instead of the theories to suit the facts. One would assume that the media should be unbiased but then one knows what happens when one assumes. Case in point is the Washington Post, a very liberal newspaper when it comes to the issues and anyone who reads the Post could not argue that point. Take illegal immigration, the Post will report on the sob stories of illegals plight and how hard working these “undocumented” workers are and all they want is the same thing every legal American has, rights under our laws.
First off lets look at the word “undocumented”, instead of calling these people what they truly are illegal immigrants, the liberals and the media have started to call them undocumented workers or the other one I love is immigrants. Now why is that? Is it so we don’t look at them as lawbreakers, which they truly are or are they in hopes that we fall for these sob stories and let them have a pathway to citizenship? The media would also have you believe that if we didn’t have these “undocumented” workers then our economy would collapse without them or they do the work that legal Americans will not do. Funny thing when you hear about ICE doing raids on companies that employee illegal immigrants you never hear about the next day after the raid all of the legal Americans lining up to take the jobs, gee I wonder why? Instead you hear about the outrage and how these poor illegal souls are out of work and could be deported. No one reports about how legal Americans are being displaced out of work for what the media calls undocumented workers because they will work for lower wages. We never hear about the crimes illegals commit in our country because that would destroy the image the media has pounded in our heads about these poor souls that have given up so much to come to our country for a better life. I wonder why that is? What is the media’s agenda on this issue?
When it comes to politics you better believe the media is one-sided on that debate. I read on WUSA TV’s website a story in regards about how American voters are unhappy with the federal government. Below is a quote from the news story.
“The newspaper story, written by veteran political journalist Susan Page, reports seventy-two percent of those asked say they are dissatisfied with the direction of the country. And what is causing the dissatisfaction?
"First and foremost, people are unhappy about the war in Iraq.”
I saw the same Gallop poll and I have no idea where Ms. Page get her information but what I saw was Americans were most unhappy about the way the government is handling illegal immigration. Again facts distorted to suite what Ms. Page feels are the facts. The Democrats don’t even want the issue of illegal immigration to be the big issue because they know they will loss votes on it. Not many Democrats are strong on the issue and would rather not have to answer questions on the subject. Look at how Hillary Clinton during the Democratic debate floundered with the question if she was for or against Governor Spitzer giving driver’s licenses to illegal immigrants. If you were watching it you couldn’t tell if she was for it or against it, only the next day did her campaign come out and tell you that she was for it. Lord knows if that woman becomes President she would no doubt give citizenship to all illegals and open the borders for them. Did the media ever pick up on Hillary’s big flop? They did to a point but really they think it is just a minor set back for her and she will over come this, according to Newsday.
The media needs to wake up and tell both sides of the story and not twist the facts to suit them. I am so sick of hearing sob stories on illegals, Brittney Spears and her custody battles, and what they think the American people are sick of. If they were really getting the facts right they would see we are sick of the way they report the BS that they do. They would know we aren’t mindless twits that hang on their every word as gospel. The media today has forgotten the rule that there are two sides to every story and a lot of the time their side is for the most part wrong. So please just stick to the facts in the future and cut the BS.
- Sir Arthur Conan Doyle
The above quote by Sir Arthur Conan Doyle pretty much sums up our media today. The media has the most unique way of taking facts to suit their theories instead of the theories to suit the facts. One would assume that the media should be unbiased but then one knows what happens when one assumes. Case in point is the Washington Post, a very liberal newspaper when it comes to the issues and anyone who reads the Post could not argue that point. Take illegal immigration, the Post will report on the sob stories of illegals plight and how hard working these “undocumented” workers are and all they want is the same thing every legal American has, rights under our laws.
First off lets look at the word “undocumented”, instead of calling these people what they truly are illegal immigrants, the liberals and the media have started to call them undocumented workers or the other one I love is immigrants. Now why is that? Is it so we don’t look at them as lawbreakers, which they truly are or are they in hopes that we fall for these sob stories and let them have a pathway to citizenship? The media would also have you believe that if we didn’t have these “undocumented” workers then our economy would collapse without them or they do the work that legal Americans will not do. Funny thing when you hear about ICE doing raids on companies that employee illegal immigrants you never hear about the next day after the raid all of the legal Americans lining up to take the jobs, gee I wonder why? Instead you hear about the outrage and how these poor illegal souls are out of work and could be deported. No one reports about how legal Americans are being displaced out of work for what the media calls undocumented workers because they will work for lower wages. We never hear about the crimes illegals commit in our country because that would destroy the image the media has pounded in our heads about these poor souls that have given up so much to come to our country for a better life. I wonder why that is? What is the media’s agenda on this issue?
When it comes to politics you better believe the media is one-sided on that debate. I read on WUSA TV’s website a story in regards about how American voters are unhappy with the federal government. Below is a quote from the news story.
“The newspaper story, written by veteran political journalist Susan Page, reports seventy-two percent of those asked say they are dissatisfied with the direction of the country. And what is causing the dissatisfaction?
"First and foremost, people are unhappy about the war in Iraq.”
I saw the same Gallop poll and I have no idea where Ms. Page get her information but what I saw was Americans were most unhappy about the way the government is handling illegal immigration. Again facts distorted to suite what Ms. Page feels are the facts. The Democrats don’t even want the issue of illegal immigration to be the big issue because they know they will loss votes on it. Not many Democrats are strong on the issue and would rather not have to answer questions on the subject. Look at how Hillary Clinton during the Democratic debate floundered with the question if she was for or against Governor Spitzer giving driver’s licenses to illegal immigrants. If you were watching it you couldn’t tell if she was for it or against it, only the next day did her campaign come out and tell you that she was for it. Lord knows if that woman becomes President she would no doubt give citizenship to all illegals and open the borders for them. Did the media ever pick up on Hillary’s big flop? They did to a point but really they think it is just a minor set back for her and she will over come this, according to Newsday.
The media needs to wake up and tell both sides of the story and not twist the facts to suit them. I am so sick of hearing sob stories on illegals, Brittney Spears and her custody battles, and what they think the American people are sick of. If they were really getting the facts right they would see we are sick of the way they report the BS that they do. They would know we aren’t mindless twits that hang on their every word as gospel. The media today has forgotten the rule that there are two sides to every story and a lot of the time their side is for the most part wrong. So please just stick to the facts in the future and cut the BS.
Sunday, November 4, 2007
First off Mr. Webb I would like to thank you for your generic email that your office sent to me in your defense on your dismal voting record when it comes to illegal immigration. I seem to remember when you were running for office your stance on illegal immigration was suppose to be strong on the issue. Now that you are in office the people of Virginia can fully understand what you meant by that comment. You are for illegal immigrants having pathway to citizenship, which anyone can tell by looking at your voting record.
My questions to you are why are you not voting what the people of Virginia want? Why do you feel it is okay to have our state and for that matter the whole country overburden by people that come here illegally taking jobs, getting public assistants, and wanting to allow them a pathway to citizenship? Why do you feel it is okay for your pro-illegal buddies and you to turn our country into a third world country and ignore what the people of America want? When are you going to admit that you are voting your agenda and not that of the people that voted you into office? What is your motivation behind your votes?
I am wondering if you ever come off of your high-hilled office and drive around Virginia and really see what is going on in our state? I am sure on your way to and from your office you never really see what we see. When you drive in do you see all the illegals standing on your street corner like prostitutes looking for work? I bet you don’t because that wouldn’t be allowed in the high-browed neighborhood you live in because after all who needs that eye sore. Have you gone to one of the welfare offices to see how much money from legal American taxpayers is being dished out to support these people here illegally? Of course you haven’t, you wouldn’t be caught dead there because if you don’t see it, then it doesn’t exist, right? Have you been to any schools lately and talk with teachers to see how overburden they are with the influx of illegals that come for a free education and meals on us good ole taxpayers. Again, I bet you haven’t because what you do is for the good of the state and country, right? Finally (but you know I could go on and on), have you been to any hospitals and talked with the doctors and staff to see how all of these illegal immigrants are impacting our state and nation? Don’t bother I already know the answer, you haven’t.
Mr. Webb I ask you to take a real hard look at yourself in the mirror and ask yourself just what are your party and your intentions with the votes you cast and what impact your votes are going to have on our state and nation. From where I am sitting you are not in touch with the pulse of Virginians or the nation when it comes to illegal immigration. Just remember this when you vote, we as Americans are fed up with our federal government (btw, that is a 72% disgust rate with the federal government) pandering to illegals and ignoring what the American people want. You and your party as well as Republicans are being put on notice from the American people that illegal immigration reform is an issue you will have to deal with sooner or later and granting pathway to citizenship is unacceptable! If the federal government does not come out of it’s coma soon and start listening to the people that put you and your buddies into to office instead of the large corporations and special interest groups’, then you leave us no other option but to vote you out of your big office on the hill. America cannot handle this kind of population growth on our economy and resources and if congress keeps doing what it is doing or for that matter not doing then it will be congress that will be solely responsible for destroying America.
In closing Mr. Webb, tell your office to not bother sending me another one of those obnoxious generic emails on your dismal voting record on illegal immigration, after all it is nothing to brag about.
My questions to you are why are you not voting what the people of Virginia want? Why do you feel it is okay to have our state and for that matter the whole country overburden by people that come here illegally taking jobs, getting public assistants, and wanting to allow them a pathway to citizenship? Why do you feel it is okay for your pro-illegal buddies and you to turn our country into a third world country and ignore what the people of America want? When are you going to admit that you are voting your agenda and not that of the people that voted you into office? What is your motivation behind your votes?
I am wondering if you ever come off of your high-hilled office and drive around Virginia and really see what is going on in our state? I am sure on your way to and from your office you never really see what we see. When you drive in do you see all the illegals standing on your street corner like prostitutes looking for work? I bet you don’t because that wouldn’t be allowed in the high-browed neighborhood you live in because after all who needs that eye sore. Have you gone to one of the welfare offices to see how much money from legal American taxpayers is being dished out to support these people here illegally? Of course you haven’t, you wouldn’t be caught dead there because if you don’t see it, then it doesn’t exist, right? Have you been to any schools lately and talk with teachers to see how overburden they are with the influx of illegals that come for a free education and meals on us good ole taxpayers. Again, I bet you haven’t because what you do is for the good of the state and country, right? Finally (but you know I could go on and on), have you been to any hospitals and talked with the doctors and staff to see how all of these illegal immigrants are impacting our state and nation? Don’t bother I already know the answer, you haven’t.
Mr. Webb I ask you to take a real hard look at yourself in the mirror and ask yourself just what are your party and your intentions with the votes you cast and what impact your votes are going to have on our state and nation. From where I am sitting you are not in touch with the pulse of Virginians or the nation when it comes to illegal immigration. Just remember this when you vote, we as Americans are fed up with our federal government (btw, that is a 72% disgust rate with the federal government) pandering to illegals and ignoring what the American people want. You and your party as well as Republicans are being put on notice from the American people that illegal immigration reform is an issue you will have to deal with sooner or later and granting pathway to citizenship is unacceptable! If the federal government does not come out of it’s coma soon and start listening to the people that put you and your buddies into to office instead of the large corporations and special interest groups’, then you leave us no other option but to vote you out of your big office on the hill. America cannot handle this kind of population growth on our economy and resources and if congress keeps doing what it is doing or for that matter not doing then it will be congress that will be solely responsible for destroying America.
In closing Mr. Webb, tell your office to not bother sending me another one of those obnoxious generic emails on your dismal voting record on illegal immigration, after all it is nothing to brag about.
Thursday, November 1, 2007
I have been called nuts with the hours I keep because most people I know have what is called normal hours. They get up for the most part about 6-8 each morning while I get up about 2:30-3 every morning. They go to bed about 10-11 each night while I go to bed about 8-9 every night. So if you want to know what happened on Gray’s Anatomy don’t ask me, I have never seen the show because I was in bed. True I may be nuts for keeping the hours I do but to be honest, I really like it.
I am up in the morning pretty much before most people and I get to enjoy the pure peace and quite. I have time to do whatever I want before I have to start working at 8. I have no distractions and I get to have coffee all by myself, and catch up with emails and do whatever I want on the computer without being asked if someone else can get on. To say I love my time alone would be an understatement. I really enjoy the peace and the time to get myself together before the day fully starts. Right now the only thing I can hear is the hum of the computer and my fingers tapping on the keyboard, oh what a joy it is.
For most of the people I know they get up at the last minute and make a mad dash to get ready for work without time to just sit and relax before they start the hard grind of the day. They for the most part have to start their day at full speed and don’t get a change to stop until they get home and even then they are at full speed for a few more hours. In a way I feel sorry for them and the hours they keep because they really don’t get the chance to start the day off right. They don’t get the chance to get their mind and body off to the right start. All they do is go, go, go from the time they get up til almost the time they go to bed. It is only the weekends that they can get a chance to recoup themselves from the week. What kind of life is that?
I often get teased because at night I have to struggle to keep my eyes open to stay up. There are many times about 7 o’clock I am at battle with myself to stay awake. The joke in my family about me is not to worry about what mom is watching on TV we will be able to watch what we want because she will be passed out soon. True I may be but I get the joy of getting up in the morning and having the house pretty much to myself and I would rather have that then an evening of prime-time TV. So my question is who is nuts here for the hours they keep? I get up with no problem, while my family and people I know struggle to get up after hitting the snooze button a few times and leave for the day looking like something the cat dragged in or the walking dead. In the end I think I will keep my hours because for me they work out just find for me and you can bet if any stores has any early bird specials for the upcoming holidays I will have no problem making them. Just look for me in line waiting for the doors to open, I will be the only one that is actually awake.
I am up in the morning pretty much before most people and I get to enjoy the pure peace and quite. I have time to do whatever I want before I have to start working at 8. I have no distractions and I get to have coffee all by myself, and catch up with emails and do whatever I want on the computer without being asked if someone else can get on. To say I love my time alone would be an understatement. I really enjoy the peace and the time to get myself together before the day fully starts. Right now the only thing I can hear is the hum of the computer and my fingers tapping on the keyboard, oh what a joy it is.
For most of the people I know they get up at the last minute and make a mad dash to get ready for work without time to just sit and relax before they start the hard grind of the day. They for the most part have to start their day at full speed and don’t get a change to stop until they get home and even then they are at full speed for a few more hours. In a way I feel sorry for them and the hours they keep because they really don’t get the chance to start the day off right. They don’t get the chance to get their mind and body off to the right start. All they do is go, go, go from the time they get up til almost the time they go to bed. It is only the weekends that they can get a chance to recoup themselves from the week. What kind of life is that?
I often get teased because at night I have to struggle to keep my eyes open to stay up. There are many times about 7 o’clock I am at battle with myself to stay awake. The joke in my family about me is not to worry about what mom is watching on TV we will be able to watch what we want because she will be passed out soon. True I may be but I get the joy of getting up in the morning and having the house pretty much to myself and I would rather have that then an evening of prime-time TV. So my question is who is nuts here for the hours they keep? I get up with no problem, while my family and people I know struggle to get up after hitting the snooze button a few times and leave for the day looking like something the cat dragged in or the walking dead. In the end I think I will keep my hours because for me they work out just find for me and you can bet if any stores has any early bird specials for the upcoming holidays I will have no problem making them. Just look for me in line waiting for the doors to open, I will be the only one that is actually awake.
Wednesday, October 31, 2007
I still can’t believe it’s Halloween already, I mean it seems like yesterday it was the fourth of July and before you know it Christmas will be here! My time sure does fly as you get older, remember when you were a kid and time just seem to drag by? I am just amazed at how fast this week has gone by. Sure would be nice if we could slow time down and let everyone have a chance to enjoy life a bit, instead of this hurried pace we all live today. Isn’t it funny how time has a way of speeding by us when we aren’t looking?
I guess, as we get older we lose the magic of what it was to be a kid and enjoy each and every minute of fun and the knowledge of taking the time to enjoy it for what it is. Right at this very minute you have kids that celebrate Halloween anticipating about getting their costumes on and what kind of candy they will get tonight, which to them will make time in itself slow down because of the anticipation of this upcoming holiday. On the other hand, us adults are worrying about if we have enough candy and if we run out will the stores be opened if we need more or will we make it home in time for the treat-or-treaters, thus making time fly by. You know you have to hand it to kids, they really have this whole concept of slowing time down to an art, a lesson us adults could learn from.
If we as adults could just tap into the anticipation that we felt as kids, just think how fun and magical life could be. I myself miss having fun like I did when I was a kid. Too much today my mind is focus on getting the bills paid, work, and what needs to be done instead of what kind of fun can I have today mindset. True, we all can’t neglect the important things in life of the “what needs to be done” but we could all make time to do at least one fun thing everyday. That sure would be a stress reliever if we made the time to do so. Maybe by taking the time to do at least one fun thing and acting like a kid, time just might slow down a bit for all of us. It can’t hurt to try, can it?
I guess, as we get older we lose the magic of what it was to be a kid and enjoy each and every minute of fun and the knowledge of taking the time to enjoy it for what it is. Right at this very minute you have kids that celebrate Halloween anticipating about getting their costumes on and what kind of candy they will get tonight, which to them will make time in itself slow down because of the anticipation of this upcoming holiday. On the other hand, us adults are worrying about if we have enough candy and if we run out will the stores be opened if we need more or will we make it home in time for the treat-or-treaters, thus making time fly by. You know you have to hand it to kids, they really have this whole concept of slowing time down to an art, a lesson us adults could learn from.
If we as adults could just tap into the anticipation that we felt as kids, just think how fun and magical life could be. I myself miss having fun like I did when I was a kid. Too much today my mind is focus on getting the bills paid, work, and what needs to be done instead of what kind of fun can I have today mindset. True, we all can’t neglect the important things in life of the “what needs to be done” but we could all make time to do at least one fun thing everyday. That sure would be a stress reliever if we made the time to do so. Maybe by taking the time to do at least one fun thing and acting like a kid, time just might slow down a bit for all of us. It can’t hurt to try, can it?
Monday, October 29, 2007
As Americans we need to stand united against what is happening to our nation. We cannot let our elected officials get away with voting for their interest instead of what the American people want. If we put them into office with our votes we must hold them accountable if they do not vote the will of the people. Our government was established with the basis of for the people by the people. We cannot sit back anymore and let the special interest groups and large corporation dictate the will of many. I truly believe Americans our people built on strength and common sense. We have endured much through the years and have always been known to unite when there is a threat against our nation. We again can unite to make what was great in the past, great again.
After 9/11 the atmosphere changed greatly here in America when we were attack and many lost lives. We were a nation in shock but also united to stand up and fight against anyone who attacked us. Fast-forward to today and that shock and sense of united seems not to be. None of us have forgotten about 9/11 but in essence the moment of sheer shock has faded to a memory. I am sure if asked any American would say, we need to fight terrorism and make our borders secure and our nation safe. But I say look around because today are borders are not secure by any means and what has the government done to make us safe? Sure we have the Patriot Act and Homeland Security and still our borders are not safe. If the borders were secure we would not have so many illegal immigrants getting into our country and now Al Qaeda has found this hole in our security and have smuggled some of their terrorist into our country via Mexico. Why is this still happening? Why as Americans do we let our elected officials get away with not securing our borders? And why as Americans do we let President Zedillo from Mexico in our country to unite legal and illegal immigrants for Mexico’s sake, where he said to U.S. citizens of Mexican decent, “You are Mexicans, Mexicans who live north of the border, you owe loyalty to Mexico, not Uncle Sam.” Where was our government when President Zedillo made that statement?
There is no debate on the subject when it comes to our borders, they have to be shut down and locked up tight. Anyone here that is not legal must be deported or face charges and there can be no gray area on the subject. But yet we have elected officials debating and wanting to give citizenship to people here illegally or a pathway to citizenship. How Americans can even tolerate this is, is beyond me. There are some officials who want to give driver licenses to people that are here illegally as well as let them attend schools and receive government money. Plus our government as taken the 14th amendment and construed the true meaning to let anchor babies be considered American citizens. Now how can you tell me they are doing their part to secure our country and keep us safe when our nation is being flooded by undocumented individuals that they no nothing about and what their intentions are here in America? How are we any safer now then we were before 9/11 and how do these officials keep getting elected back into office when they do nothing to secure our borders?
As strong Americans that I know we are, we can send and be a very powerful voice if we stand united and let our government know we are not going to take what they are dishing out to us. Our government has been playing us for fools’ way too long and we need to put the brakes on this unacceptable behavior. No more should we let them get away with empty campaign promises and we must make them vote the will of the people and not what they think is best for us. We need leaders that are going to secure our borders and end illegal immigration once and for all and give America back to it’s people instead of selling off America to foreign interest. We must bring back pride into being an American citizen again instead of just giving it away to anyone that can sneak past our overburden border patrol. America is being invaded and we have a government that entertains the idea as being acceptable and we as a nation need to let them know just how unacceptable it is. I can only hope as Americans we wake up to what is happening to our country and stop what is happening before it is too late. Like what was said in the movie, The Patriot, “We must stay the course” and as Americans we must unite and stay the course!
After 9/11 the atmosphere changed greatly here in America when we were attack and many lost lives. We were a nation in shock but also united to stand up and fight against anyone who attacked us. Fast-forward to today and that shock and sense of united seems not to be. None of us have forgotten about 9/11 but in essence the moment of sheer shock has faded to a memory. I am sure if asked any American would say, we need to fight terrorism and make our borders secure and our nation safe. But I say look around because today are borders are not secure by any means and what has the government done to make us safe? Sure we have the Patriot Act and Homeland Security and still our borders are not safe. If the borders were secure we would not have so many illegal immigrants getting into our country and now Al Qaeda has found this hole in our security and have smuggled some of their terrorist into our country via Mexico. Why is this still happening? Why as Americans do we let our elected officials get away with not securing our borders? And why as Americans do we let President Zedillo from Mexico in our country to unite legal and illegal immigrants for Mexico’s sake, where he said to U.S. citizens of Mexican decent, “You are Mexicans, Mexicans who live north of the border, you owe loyalty to Mexico, not Uncle Sam.” Where was our government when President Zedillo made that statement?
There is no debate on the subject when it comes to our borders, they have to be shut down and locked up tight. Anyone here that is not legal must be deported or face charges and there can be no gray area on the subject. But yet we have elected officials debating and wanting to give citizenship to people here illegally or a pathway to citizenship. How Americans can even tolerate this is, is beyond me. There are some officials who want to give driver licenses to people that are here illegally as well as let them attend schools and receive government money. Plus our government as taken the 14th amendment and construed the true meaning to let anchor babies be considered American citizens. Now how can you tell me they are doing their part to secure our country and keep us safe when our nation is being flooded by undocumented individuals that they no nothing about and what their intentions are here in America? How are we any safer now then we were before 9/11 and how do these officials keep getting elected back into office when they do nothing to secure our borders?
As strong Americans that I know we are, we can send and be a very powerful voice if we stand united and let our government know we are not going to take what they are dishing out to us. Our government has been playing us for fools’ way too long and we need to put the brakes on this unacceptable behavior. No more should we let them get away with empty campaign promises and we must make them vote the will of the people and not what they think is best for us. We need leaders that are going to secure our borders and end illegal immigration once and for all and give America back to it’s people instead of selling off America to foreign interest. We must bring back pride into being an American citizen again instead of just giving it away to anyone that can sneak past our overburden border patrol. America is being invaded and we have a government that entertains the idea as being acceptable and we as a nation need to let them know just how unacceptable it is. I can only hope as Americans we wake up to what is happening to our country and stop what is happening before it is too late. Like what was said in the movie, The Patriot, “We must stay the course” and as Americans we must unite and stay the course!
Sunday, October 28, 2007
Yesterday my kids got me thinking about how people think when I was driving my daughter up to meet her dad for the weekly visit with him. My son on the other hand decided to stay with me this weekend and take a break from his father. On the way up to meet him my son said to me that his dad thought the way he thinks is wrong. That floored me, how in the hell can a kid’s way of thinking (and I am talking general thinking here) be wrong? Sure there are some kids that have thoughts of the morbid and doing harm to others and by all means that way of thinking is so wrong but with my son, who I think has the biggest heart of gold, my ex is way off on his thinking. So the whole conversation on the way up to meet him was that my kids wanted to know from me what I thought about their way of thinking.
To me my son is an analytic type thinker; he is always trying to figure out who, what, and whys of everything. He wants to know how things work, why you think the way you do, and if there is no order or semblance he will get totally loss. He is very strong in math and that is easy to understand because math is done with formulas and if you understand formulas then numbers are easy. He is also very big hearted. He can’t understand hate or hurting anyone person or living thing and will go out of his way to help anyone. Animals must sense this about him because our pets seem to flock to him. If he is lying down or sitting on the sofa you can bet one, if not all of our pets are lying around him, they really feel at ease and safe with him. I believe it is his easy-going nature he has about him. So to me there is nothing wrong with the way my son thinks and where my exe thinks there is something wrong with him I am at a total loss as to his way of thinking (I will get to the way my ex thinks in a bit). I feel very blessed to have a son who has a passion with how life ticks and love for life itself. Trust me I let him know there was not a thing wrong with him and assured him his way of thinking was the right way and not to listen to what his dad said about his thinking (I mean hell, aren’t there some Noble Peace prize winners that thought like my son, who knows he might very well change the world one day).
Then my daughter wanted to know what I thought about her way of thinking. Well I have blogged about good ole Morgan and her flare for the dramatics so there is no doubt about the way she thinks, she is a creative thinker (no bones about that). I swear sometimes with her I can see the smoke coming from her brain when she is thinking about something. Morgan is always thinking outside of the box and she has so many thoughts going on at one time in her brain that she has a time focusing on just one idea. One minute she will make her famous “Morgan’s News” that she will post on her bedroom door to let me know what her siblings are up to (like her older sister getting a tattoo and not telling me) instead of running to me and being accused of being a tattler to rearranging her bedroom for the millionth time or changing her mind about a Halloween costume to changing her oh so creative Christmas list, all this can be done with her in less than half a day. She is also at a very young age of twelve, an entrepreneur of sorts. She has come to me with ideas of starting her own business from pet sitting, babysitting, to wanting to sell stuff (the last one she had accomplish to some extent when mad at her older sister one time took some of her make-up and clothes to school and try to sell them for profit). I also believe with Morgan she could very well one day be a fashion designer. She can come up with some really unique fashion drawings of clothes that would give the great designers of the world a run for their money but really with her I see an actress with her. She can get into character like nobody’s business (see my blog Morgan’s drama for proof of her acting abilities).
The kids wanted to know from me what I thought about their father’s way of thinking. For the most part with him he is an emotional thinker or what I call rose-colored, avoidance thinker. He believes there are no problems and if there are problems then it is not his fault it is someone else’s fault. When we were married we got into debt because of his thinking. If he wanted to play golf or hang out with his buddies he would go instead of using the money to pay bills or buy groceries. His way of thinking is if he put the bills where he couldn’t see them then there were no bills to pay and when the bill collectors called wanting their money then it was my fault that we had no money to pay them. He would also get so emotional over issues that he would work himself into a frenzy of tears and would just fall apart. One example of this was a FTD flower commercial promoting mother’s day, where someone sent flowers to their mom in another state. Well just the thought that his mom, who at the time lived in Florida and wasn’t with him sent him into a total break-down and I had to get the box of puffs out to console him and every time after that I had to change the channel when that damn commercial came on. It was also the same way with the TV show “Touch By An Angel”, for him the whole concept of that show got him thinking and crying rivers every time he watched it. He believes that hugs can change the world and everyone needs to love one another. In fact to him I was a very cold person because I didn’t hug everyone I came in contact with like he did (funny, a lot of times people that knew him would often run from him when they saw him coming because they knew they would get one of his bear hugs and that drove them nuts). His way of thinking is pretty much why our marriage ended because everything was my fault but for me I just couldn’t handle his way of thinking and dealing with an emotional cripple that had a real problem dealing with life and always needing his mom to help him deal with everyday life. Being married to him just plain exhausted me.
When it comes to me, I believe I am a realistic, common sense thinker. I try to look at both sides and see the logic in both or I see things for what they are and not what they should be. Life is what it is and it is what you make of life is how I think. I believe you should follow the law and if you break it then you have to pay the consequences and there is no gray area there. I tend to be old fashion in my way of thinking like I don’t believe kids should be given contraceptives in school because in sense you are giving them permission to go have sex. Instead teach them absentness. I believe not to live beyond your means and be grateful for what you have instead of what you don’t have. I really believe that God should not be taking out of our pledge of allegiance and if you want to pray at school or work you can. Lets face it, faith is important and no one should be denied that. I strongly believe in having morals, values, and working hard to obtained what you want out of life, something I think people today have lost the true meaning in with life. These are what I believe in and how I think life should be; I guess I got that from my dad.
With life itself you have so many different type of people of different cultures, beliefs, and their way of thinking, which makes everyone of us unique and adds variety to life. There are some us out there who are a bit extreme with their way of thinking to the point it can upset the balance for all and then you have people who bring calm with there way of thinking that brings order back to life. It would be nice to have more people who can bring order and calm to the masses with their thinking instead of having people who are extreme (today I feel we have too many extremists running things and is why we as a human race are so out of balance). We all need to look at how we think, view life, and how our actions are affecting those around us. Are we upsetting the balance with our way of thinking or are we making a better difference with our thinking? You may be saying to yourself that your way of thinking does not affect the world but really it does. Look at it this way, how you vote makes an affect, how you react to someone can change their day for better or worse, and your opinion on an issue may just change someone’s way of thinking or life for that matter. Our thoughts and beliefs somehow connect us all in the scheme of things and our actions do in fact result in how the balance of life is affected. So the next time you give your opinion, cast a vote, or tell someone how you feel, stop and think about your way of thinking and what it may mean by letting your thoughts out and how it will affect everyone else, who knows you may end up changing the world.
To me my son is an analytic type thinker; he is always trying to figure out who, what, and whys of everything. He wants to know how things work, why you think the way you do, and if there is no order or semblance he will get totally loss. He is very strong in math and that is easy to understand because math is done with formulas and if you understand formulas then numbers are easy. He is also very big hearted. He can’t understand hate or hurting anyone person or living thing and will go out of his way to help anyone. Animals must sense this about him because our pets seem to flock to him. If he is lying down or sitting on the sofa you can bet one, if not all of our pets are lying around him, they really feel at ease and safe with him. I believe it is his easy-going nature he has about him. So to me there is nothing wrong with the way my son thinks and where my exe thinks there is something wrong with him I am at a total loss as to his way of thinking (I will get to the way my ex thinks in a bit). I feel very blessed to have a son who has a passion with how life ticks and love for life itself. Trust me I let him know there was not a thing wrong with him and assured him his way of thinking was the right way and not to listen to what his dad said about his thinking (I mean hell, aren’t there some Noble Peace prize winners that thought like my son, who knows he might very well change the world one day).
Then my daughter wanted to know what I thought about her way of thinking. Well I have blogged about good ole Morgan and her flare for the dramatics so there is no doubt about the way she thinks, she is a creative thinker (no bones about that). I swear sometimes with her I can see the smoke coming from her brain when she is thinking about something. Morgan is always thinking outside of the box and she has so many thoughts going on at one time in her brain that she has a time focusing on just one idea. One minute she will make her famous “Morgan’s News” that she will post on her bedroom door to let me know what her siblings are up to (like her older sister getting a tattoo and not telling me) instead of running to me and being accused of being a tattler to rearranging her bedroom for the millionth time or changing her mind about a Halloween costume to changing her oh so creative Christmas list, all this can be done with her in less than half a day. She is also at a very young age of twelve, an entrepreneur of sorts. She has come to me with ideas of starting her own business from pet sitting, babysitting, to wanting to sell stuff (the last one she had accomplish to some extent when mad at her older sister one time took some of her make-up and clothes to school and try to sell them for profit). I also believe with Morgan she could very well one day be a fashion designer. She can come up with some really unique fashion drawings of clothes that would give the great designers of the world a run for their money but really with her I see an actress with her. She can get into character like nobody’s business (see my blog Morgan’s drama for proof of her acting abilities).
The kids wanted to know from me what I thought about their father’s way of thinking. For the most part with him he is an emotional thinker or what I call rose-colored, avoidance thinker. He believes there are no problems and if there are problems then it is not his fault it is someone else’s fault. When we were married we got into debt because of his thinking. If he wanted to play golf or hang out with his buddies he would go instead of using the money to pay bills or buy groceries. His way of thinking is if he put the bills where he couldn’t see them then there were no bills to pay and when the bill collectors called wanting their money then it was my fault that we had no money to pay them. He would also get so emotional over issues that he would work himself into a frenzy of tears and would just fall apart. One example of this was a FTD flower commercial promoting mother’s day, where someone sent flowers to their mom in another state. Well just the thought that his mom, who at the time lived in Florida and wasn’t with him sent him into a total break-down and I had to get the box of puffs out to console him and every time after that I had to change the channel when that damn commercial came on. It was also the same way with the TV show “Touch By An Angel”, for him the whole concept of that show got him thinking and crying rivers every time he watched it. He believes that hugs can change the world and everyone needs to love one another. In fact to him I was a very cold person because I didn’t hug everyone I came in contact with like he did (funny, a lot of times people that knew him would often run from him when they saw him coming because they knew they would get one of his bear hugs and that drove them nuts). His way of thinking is pretty much why our marriage ended because everything was my fault but for me I just couldn’t handle his way of thinking and dealing with an emotional cripple that had a real problem dealing with life and always needing his mom to help him deal with everyday life. Being married to him just plain exhausted me.
When it comes to me, I believe I am a realistic, common sense thinker. I try to look at both sides and see the logic in both or I see things for what they are and not what they should be. Life is what it is and it is what you make of life is how I think. I believe you should follow the law and if you break it then you have to pay the consequences and there is no gray area there. I tend to be old fashion in my way of thinking like I don’t believe kids should be given contraceptives in school because in sense you are giving them permission to go have sex. Instead teach them absentness. I believe not to live beyond your means and be grateful for what you have instead of what you don’t have. I really believe that God should not be taking out of our pledge of allegiance and if you want to pray at school or work you can. Lets face it, faith is important and no one should be denied that. I strongly believe in having morals, values, and working hard to obtained what you want out of life, something I think people today have lost the true meaning in with life. These are what I believe in and how I think life should be; I guess I got that from my dad.
With life itself you have so many different type of people of different cultures, beliefs, and their way of thinking, which makes everyone of us unique and adds variety to life. There are some us out there who are a bit extreme with their way of thinking to the point it can upset the balance for all and then you have people who bring calm with there way of thinking that brings order back to life. It would be nice to have more people who can bring order and calm to the masses with their thinking instead of having people who are extreme (today I feel we have too many extremists running things and is why we as a human race are so out of balance). We all need to look at how we think, view life, and how our actions are affecting those around us. Are we upsetting the balance with our way of thinking or are we making a better difference with our thinking? You may be saying to yourself that your way of thinking does not affect the world but really it does. Look at it this way, how you vote makes an affect, how you react to someone can change their day for better or worse, and your opinion on an issue may just change someone’s way of thinking or life for that matter. Our thoughts and beliefs somehow connect us all in the scheme of things and our actions do in fact result in how the balance of life is affected. So the next time you give your opinion, cast a vote, or tell someone how you feel, stop and think about your way of thinking and what it may mean by letting your thoughts out and how it will affect everyone else, who knows you may end up changing the world.
Friday, October 26, 2007
Some people just have the knack to lay guilt on you anyway they can. Everyone has to know at least someone in their lives that can lay it on them thick. I call these people; “Pitymes” and these pitymes have such a way of playing the victim you would swear they were up for some kind of award. Ah come on you know the type! They are the ones that when you want to do something or you think a certain way that doesn’t jive with them they will be the first ones to say to you it isn’t fair or we always do what you want, then BOOM, they do their best to make you feel guilty for even suggesting or thinking what you thought. (In school did they offer a course on guilt tripping? Cause if they did no one told me about it.)
I was married to one and let me tell you if schools offered this course he would have gotten an A! He still to this day and I might add try as he might, lays the guilt trip on our kids and me. I can handle it but on the other hand my poor kids really don’t know what to do with their father when he starts his crap and making them feel guilty. Both my youngest are starting in their teen years where they want to start doing more stuff with their friends and not spend every weekend with their dad. Now understanding kids get older and so do what they want to do, do you think my exe would understand that? Oh hell no! Every weekend without fail he tells the kids he is getting them whether they want to do something or not. This weekend for instance my son wants to stay and do stuff with his paint ball club and his dear ole dad is laying down the guilt trip on him with the, “but buddy, I miss you and I only get to see you on weekends, I love you, don’t you love me” BS. For a young kid that is hard to handle coming from an adult and how is he suppose to answer that loaded question without making his dad burst into tears (an art form my exe is great at doing like my daughter who can vomit at will to get out of school, now you know where she gets it from). I know when my son gets older he will most likely take a page from my book when his dad pulls the crap and tell him where to go and believe me I can’t wait for that day to come (I see a scrapbook page in my future).
As I have gotten older I have become more thick skinned to the pitymes and have no problem telling them where to go, shut-up, and my other two faves, bite me or blow me (must say the look I get from them when I don’t buy into their victim act is priceless!). Today we as people get fed so many sob stories from people in our lives and the press that one could literally just get sick from hearing all the depressing stories. I have always been a believer that when things get tough and don’t work your way then find a way to make it work and don’t whine and try to get people to feel sorry for you. To me that is just a waste of energy and time. Life is tough; no way about it but how you handle the everyday drama is what makes you stronger. That is if you can handle it, we all know the pitymes can’t and would rather have someone bend to their ways so life is easier for them. This is where I stop being the enabler! I may seem harsh to the pitymes but I refuse to make life for them a cakewalk because really if they can’t learn to take care of themselves then who will teach them?
They have 12-step programs for just about everything, I think they need to make one for the pitymes. Now the true people that deserve help, I always give them a break but the ones who make it their life to lay the guilt trips on you and play the victims, well you are the ones that need help! If a pitymes 12-step program starts up then I offer my exe as the poster child for the group because good lord what a big baby he is. Just think how much life would be so much nicer without their consent whining and crying about how life is not fair to them. To them I say, “Quit your whining, grab a Puffs and deal with it ya big baby!
I was married to one and let me tell you if schools offered this course he would have gotten an A! He still to this day and I might add try as he might, lays the guilt trip on our kids and me. I can handle it but on the other hand my poor kids really don’t know what to do with their father when he starts his crap and making them feel guilty. Both my youngest are starting in their teen years where they want to start doing more stuff with their friends and not spend every weekend with their dad. Now understanding kids get older and so do what they want to do, do you think my exe would understand that? Oh hell no! Every weekend without fail he tells the kids he is getting them whether they want to do something or not. This weekend for instance my son wants to stay and do stuff with his paint ball club and his dear ole dad is laying down the guilt trip on him with the, “but buddy, I miss you and I only get to see you on weekends, I love you, don’t you love me” BS. For a young kid that is hard to handle coming from an adult and how is he suppose to answer that loaded question without making his dad burst into tears (an art form my exe is great at doing like my daughter who can vomit at will to get out of school, now you know where she gets it from). I know when my son gets older he will most likely take a page from my book when his dad pulls the crap and tell him where to go and believe me I can’t wait for that day to come (I see a scrapbook page in my future).
As I have gotten older I have become more thick skinned to the pitymes and have no problem telling them where to go, shut-up, and my other two faves, bite me or blow me (must say the look I get from them when I don’t buy into their victim act is priceless!). Today we as people get fed so many sob stories from people in our lives and the press that one could literally just get sick from hearing all the depressing stories. I have always been a believer that when things get tough and don’t work your way then find a way to make it work and don’t whine and try to get people to feel sorry for you. To me that is just a waste of energy and time. Life is tough; no way about it but how you handle the everyday drama is what makes you stronger. That is if you can handle it, we all know the pitymes can’t and would rather have someone bend to their ways so life is easier for them. This is where I stop being the enabler! I may seem harsh to the pitymes but I refuse to make life for them a cakewalk because really if they can’t learn to take care of themselves then who will teach them?
They have 12-step programs for just about everything, I think they need to make one for the pitymes. Now the true people that deserve help, I always give them a break but the ones who make it their life to lay the guilt trips on you and play the victims, well you are the ones that need help! If a pitymes 12-step program starts up then I offer my exe as the poster child for the group because good lord what a big baby he is. Just think how much life would be so much nicer without their consent whining and crying about how life is not fair to them. To them I say, “Quit your whining, grab a Puffs and deal with it ya big baby!
Thursday, October 25, 2007
Yesterday the Dream Act came up in Congress for a vote and it failed (thank God!). Finally Congress is using its head and listening to the American people. I believe with the upcoming election illegal immigration is going to be the core point on who is elected or not. True the press doesn’t want you to think that way and as we all know the press is pro-democrat (sad to say), but I am starting to see a trend within the American people, they are getting fed up with the issue of illegal immigration and nothing being done about it. I know I have been blogging a lot about this issue but to me this is a very important issue that affects every single American and there is no denying it, something has to be done before it is too late for our country.
The question here is what are you going to do about it? When you vote next time will it be with your head, heart, or for your party? This time when I vote it will be for the candidate that is strongest on immigration reform (I know I just shock you on that one didn’t I?). We as Americans have to send a message to our government that they need to take care of this issue and stop trying to grant people that came to our country illegally with rights. I was absolutely floored this week when I was helping my son with his homework and in the back of his textbook they had a special section glossary all in Spanish! I was like, hello we are in the United State and for the most part English is spoken here so why does this textbook have a Spanish glossary in it? Trivial, well maybe but lets look at the big picture here, by having a Spanish glossary in the back of this textbook aren’t the publishers of this textbook enabling people not to learn English and what a slap in the face for people from other countries (nonhispanics) that come here to live that don’t speak English, why didn’t the publishers have other languages besides Spanish in their textbook? See where I am going with this? Bottom line here is we have to stop catering to people that cannot speak English and we have to stop giving people that come here illegally government benefits! Side note here just to prove my point, my husband told me the other day that he knows someone who has been in this country for twenty plus years and still can’t hardly speak one word of English! Why you say, well because there is no need for this person to learn English because everything is printed up in Spanish and everywhere this persons goes they expect someone to translate for them. That to me is just horrid, if you are coming to another country to live you should learn the language! No wonder it is a mess here.
The other reason I am so big on immigration reform is that the United States cannot handle this kind of population growth, there is just not enough resources to handle the masses that come here undocumented. If our government keeps letting the wave of undocumented masses come to our country then in time America could very well become a third world country itself. Do you want that to happen? Do you want to see America so overpopulated to the point that we have people living on top of people? Do you want to see America plagued by disease and starvation? Do you want to see America for the most part jobless and poor because there are not enough jobs to go around? Grim picture yes but it could happen if nothing gets done to stop people from coming here illegally. Remember this, the terrorist that attacked on 9/11 came here undocumented and I find it appalling of our government to even entertain the idea of giving citizenship to people that come here illegally, after all do they really know who is here and what their agenda is?
Immigration reform is something every (legal) American needs to really think about when voting in the next election. Too much of taxpayer’s monies goes to supporting people that come here illegally. Don’t believe me then read my blog “Enough Already,” there you will see how much money goes to supporting people that come here illegally. Illegal immigration affects every single one of us in one way or another from jobs, education, cost of insurance, taxes, crime and medical expenses. I could go on and on with how illegal immigration affects us but I know you can research for yourself and see what it is doing to America. It just boggles me that the government doesn’t see it. I am going to list for you below those elected officials that voted for the Dream Act yesterday, please do your part and send them a message next time they come up for re-election and send them their walking papers. We need to let our government know we are not going to take it anymore and we want them to do the same on this issue. Together we can make America right again! Thanks for listening.
Akaka(D-HI) Bayh (D-IN) Bennett (R-UT)
Biden (D-DE) Bingaman (D-NM) Brown (D-OH)
Brownback (R-KS) Cantwell (D-WA) Cardin (D-MD) Carper (D-DE) Casey (D-PA) Clinton (D-NY) Coleman (R-MN) Collins (R-ME) Craig (R-ID) Durbin (D-IL) Feingold (D-WI) Feinstein (D-CA)
Hagel (R-NE) Harkin (D-IA) Hatch (R-UT)
Hutchison (R-TX) Inouye (D-HI) Johnson (D-SD)
Kerry (D-MA) Klobuchar (D-MN) Kohl (D-WI)
Lautenberg (D-NJ) Leahy (D-VT) Levin (D-MI)
Lieberman (ID-CT) Lincoln (D-AR) Lott (R-MS)
Lugar (R-IN) Martinez (R-FL) Menendez (D-NJ)
Mikulski (D-MD) Murray (D-WA) Nelson (D-FL)
Nelson (D-NE) Obama (D-IL) Reed (D-RI)
Reid (D-NV) Rockefeller (D-WV) Salazar (D-CO)
Sanders (I-VT) Schumer (D-NY) Snowe (R-ME)
Stabenow (D-MI) Webb (D-VA) Whitehouse (D-RI)
Wyden (D-OR)
The question here is what are you going to do about it? When you vote next time will it be with your head, heart, or for your party? This time when I vote it will be for the candidate that is strongest on immigration reform (I know I just shock you on that one didn’t I?). We as Americans have to send a message to our government that they need to take care of this issue and stop trying to grant people that came to our country illegally with rights. I was absolutely floored this week when I was helping my son with his homework and in the back of his textbook they had a special section glossary all in Spanish! I was like, hello we are in the United State and for the most part English is spoken here so why does this textbook have a Spanish glossary in it? Trivial, well maybe but lets look at the big picture here, by having a Spanish glossary in the back of this textbook aren’t the publishers of this textbook enabling people not to learn English and what a slap in the face for people from other countries (nonhispanics) that come here to live that don’t speak English, why didn’t the publishers have other languages besides Spanish in their textbook? See where I am going with this? Bottom line here is we have to stop catering to people that cannot speak English and we have to stop giving people that come here illegally government benefits! Side note here just to prove my point, my husband told me the other day that he knows someone who has been in this country for twenty plus years and still can’t hardly speak one word of English! Why you say, well because there is no need for this person to learn English because everything is printed up in Spanish and everywhere this persons goes they expect someone to translate for them. That to me is just horrid, if you are coming to another country to live you should learn the language! No wonder it is a mess here.
The other reason I am so big on immigration reform is that the United States cannot handle this kind of population growth, there is just not enough resources to handle the masses that come here undocumented. If our government keeps letting the wave of undocumented masses come to our country then in time America could very well become a third world country itself. Do you want that to happen? Do you want to see America so overpopulated to the point that we have people living on top of people? Do you want to see America plagued by disease and starvation? Do you want to see America for the most part jobless and poor because there are not enough jobs to go around? Grim picture yes but it could happen if nothing gets done to stop people from coming here illegally. Remember this, the terrorist that attacked on 9/11 came here undocumented and I find it appalling of our government to even entertain the idea of giving citizenship to people that come here illegally, after all do they really know who is here and what their agenda is?
Immigration reform is something every (legal) American needs to really think about when voting in the next election. Too much of taxpayer’s monies goes to supporting people that come here illegally. Don’t believe me then read my blog “Enough Already,” there you will see how much money goes to supporting people that come here illegally. Illegal immigration affects every single one of us in one way or another from jobs, education, cost of insurance, taxes, crime and medical expenses. I could go on and on with how illegal immigration affects us but I know you can research for yourself and see what it is doing to America. It just boggles me that the government doesn’t see it. I am going to list for you below those elected officials that voted for the Dream Act yesterday, please do your part and send them a message next time they come up for re-election and send them their walking papers. We need to let our government know we are not going to take it anymore and we want them to do the same on this issue. Together we can make America right again! Thanks for listening.
Akaka(D-HI) Bayh (D-IN) Bennett (R-UT)
Biden (D-DE) Bingaman (D-NM) Brown (D-OH)
Brownback (R-KS) Cantwell (D-WA) Cardin (D-MD) Carper (D-DE) Casey (D-PA) Clinton (D-NY) Coleman (R-MN) Collins (R-ME) Craig (R-ID) Durbin (D-IL) Feingold (D-WI) Feinstein (D-CA)
Hagel (R-NE) Harkin (D-IA) Hatch (R-UT)
Hutchison (R-TX) Inouye (D-HI) Johnson (D-SD)
Kerry (D-MA) Klobuchar (D-MN) Kohl (D-WI)
Lautenberg (D-NJ) Leahy (D-VT) Levin (D-MI)
Lieberman (ID-CT) Lincoln (D-AR) Lott (R-MS)
Lugar (R-IN) Martinez (R-FL) Menendez (D-NJ)
Mikulski (D-MD) Murray (D-WA) Nelson (D-FL)
Nelson (D-NE) Obama (D-IL) Reed (D-RI)
Reid (D-NV) Rockefeller (D-WV) Salazar (D-CO)
Sanders (I-VT) Schumer (D-NY) Snowe (R-ME)
Stabenow (D-MI) Webb (D-VA) Whitehouse (D-RI)
Wyden (D-OR)
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