Friday, October 26, 2007


Some people just have the knack to lay guilt on you anyway they can. Everyone has to know at least someone in their lives that can lay it on them thick. I call these people; “Pitymes” and these pitymes have such a way of playing the victim you would swear they were up for some kind of award. Ah come on you know the type! They are the ones that when you want to do something or you think a certain way that doesn’t jive with them they will be the first ones to say to you it isn’t fair or we always do what you want, then BOOM, they do their best to make you feel guilty for even suggesting or thinking what you thought. (In school did they offer a course on guilt tripping? Cause if they did no one told me about it.)

I was married to one and let me tell you if schools offered this course he would have gotten an A! He still to this day and I might add try as he might, lays the guilt trip on our kids and me. I can handle it but on the other hand my poor kids really don’t know what to do with their father when he starts his crap and making them feel guilty. Both my youngest are starting in their teen years where they want to start doing more stuff with their friends and not spend every weekend with their dad. Now understanding kids get older and so do what they want to do, do you think my exe would understand that? Oh hell no! Every weekend without fail he tells the kids he is getting them whether they want to do something or not. This weekend for instance my son wants to stay and do stuff with his paint ball club and his dear ole dad is laying down the guilt trip on him with the, “but buddy, I miss you and I only get to see you on weekends, I love you, don’t you love me” BS. For a young kid that is hard to handle coming from an adult and how is he suppose to answer that loaded question without making his dad burst into tears (an art form my exe is great at doing like my daughter who can vomit at will to get out of school, now you know where she gets it from). I know when my son gets older he will most likely take a page from my book when his dad pulls the crap and tell him where to go and believe me I can’t wait for that day to come (I see a scrapbook page in my future).

As I have gotten older I have become more thick skinned to the pitymes and have no problem telling them where to go, shut-up, and my other two faves, bite me or blow me (must say the look I get from them when I don’t buy into their victim act is priceless!). Today we as people get fed so many sob stories from people in our lives and the press that one could literally just get sick from hearing all the depressing stories. I have always been a believer that when things get tough and don’t work your way then find a way to make it work and don’t whine and try to get people to feel sorry for you. To me that is just a waste of energy and time. Life is tough; no way about it but how you handle the everyday drama is what makes you stronger. That is if you can handle it, we all know the pitymes can’t and would rather have someone bend to their ways so life is easier for them. This is where I stop being the enabler! I may seem harsh to the pitymes but I refuse to make life for them a cakewalk because really if they can’t learn to take care of themselves then who will teach them?

They have 12-step programs for just about everything, I think they need to make one for the pitymes. Now the true people that deserve help, I always give them a break but the ones who make it their life to lay the guilt trips on you and play the victims, well you are the ones that need help! If a pitymes 12-step program starts up then I offer my exe as the poster child for the group because good lord what a big baby he is. Just think how much life would be so much nicer without their consent whining and crying about how life is not fair to them. To them I say, “Quit your whining, grab a Puffs and deal with it ya big baby!

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