Sunday, October 14, 2007


I believe I have come up with a way to solve illegal immigration! I stumbled upon this revelation while I was on an immigration reform forum. The majority of the posters, including me as well would like all people that are here in our country illegally to be deported. We have no problem with people that come here legally for a better life but it is quite obvious we do not want people here illegally that reap the benefits of our country that should only be afforded to legal citizens only. Then on the other side, you have posters that support illegal immigration and those posters are quick to tell you that all illegal immigrants are umbrella under our constitution and bill of rights and we have to give them a chance because after all they are human beings (I would love to see the constitution and bill of rights that they are reading, I am sure the one they are reading also give rights to coach roaches as well, after all they are one of God’s creatures). Plus, they are quick to tell you that if you support deporting all illegal immigrants they resort to calling you a bigot and a racist (Ouch, that hurts…NOT!).

That is when it dawn on me, while I was on these forums, on how to solve illegal immigration! This is how it works (makes sense to me). I think that anyone who supports amnesty for illegal immigrates (this also includes all elected officials that vote for amnesty), should have to post their addresses and phone numbers on a database for all illegals’ that come to the United States, then all of these illegals’ would know where to go to be supported. The illegal immigrants would know that these people have opened their hearts, homes, and wallets to them and also when tax time rolls around then our government would know where to send the bill to support all illegal immigrates that are a burden to our government system.

To me this is a win, win situation because then I and many others that feel like I do, do not have our tax dollars go to supporting people that are here illegally and the ones that feel they have every right to be here can have them and support them, after all illegal immigrants are human beings (man, I was really shocked to find out they were human beings!). Let me state this for the record, I am not a racist or a bigot, I have many friends of different color and nationality and I have no problem with people that come here for a better life, that is if they come here legally. I state this because no doubt if a bleeding heart liberal finds this blog I am sure I will get the comment that I am a racist and a bigot, well I say to you I am not and if that is the only comment you can come up with my friend then you prove, yet once again that ignorance is bliss.

The bottom line here is I want my tax dollars to go better education for my children not to Jose and Maria that are here illegally to teach them English. I want a better health system for all legal Americans so those that don’t have and can’t afford health insurance don’t have to worry about getting sick because they can’t afford it. I want better job opportunities for all legal Americans because lets face it, illegal immigrants are taking the jobs and doing so at lower wages which in turn causes professions such as trade to lose out on opportunities because a contractor can get an illegal to do it cheaper.

In the eyes of a bleeding heart liberal, I guess to them I am bigot/racist for wanting these things but then again there is no reasoning with them either. So I say to them, you can have all illegal immigrants! Love them, embrace them, and care for them as only you can. Set an example for all of us mean and hateful people that don’t want them here. But remember this, when your home property value gets driven down because they don’t care about your home like you do, burn the American flag and spew anti-American sediments at you, and demand that you educate, feed, clothe, and give medical aid to them and their anchor babies, please remember that they are human beings and deserve to be here just like you. In your eyes the constitution gives them every right (like you claim) to be here and gives them the right to claim the United States as their own (really because they were here first right?).

I wonder though, if the burden fell upon all who support illegal immigrants and their rights, how long will it be before they have had enough like the majority of Americans and change their tune? I for one would love to see it happen. I say lets give my plan a little test run and just see what happens. If I was a betting person, I bet it wouldn’t take long for all supporters to jump their bandwagon and start singing a different tune if they had to foot the bill for illegal immigrants.

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