Sunday, October 21, 2007


The state of affairs in America today is a sad one the way I see it. I do think if our forefathers were alive today they would be shaking their heads in disgust. Today we are a country at war outside and inside borders. There seems to be turmoil here everywhere you turn. Americans have lost faith in our government; really I do not blame them in some ways I have lost faith in them too. I would just like to know what happened to the government for the people, by the people?

Today I see our elected officials vote on how it will benefit them, special interest groups or big corporations. No more do I see politicians voting for what the people want. I just want to know when and how did this all happen? How come our government let big money dictate how they vote and why did the mighty dollar take precedence over what the people want? It seems to me that our elected officials have forgotten how our government came to be and why. They really need to re-read Declaration of Independence to understand why our government was formed. They have lost touch with the pulse of its American citizens for power and wealth.

We have soldiers in Iraq that need our unified government’s support but all I see in Washington are Democrats and Republicans squabbling amongst themselves on whose party is right or wrong with this issue. I am sure if I was a soldier over in Iraq fighting for our country I would be totally disgusted with our government. Party politics aside our government needs to understand, we are in the war nothing is going to change that now so lets do everything we can to support our men and women over there at any cost, because damn it they need us just as much as we need them!

I would also like to see our government to something about jobs in America being outsourced or taken away by the influx of illegal immigrants. Sure I can understand why corporations want to save money by outsourcing but to me this is a total shame and it is to me selling jobs out to the lowest bidder. What the corporations fail to realize is by saving money this way they are making the American economy weaker because if Americans don’t make money then how can they spend money. If companies go to illegal day labors (or as I call it job prostitution) for workers, and for the most part do not pay taxes because they are illegal, how is that helping to make America’s economy stronger? It isn’t and our elected officials do nothing about it because they are paid off by special interests and corporations not to do anything about it.

Our justice system today is in itself criminal. We have known criminals getting off for technicalities when it is plain to see they committed a crime. There should be no gray area here, if someone commits a crime and the evidence proves it without a doubt then regardless if someone didn’t dot their “I” somewhere they should be punished. The safety of the people should be the priory not the criminal’s rights and when you commit a heinous crime you have no rights! I can see where our law enforcement feels helpless in this area and the government should do everything they can to support them by creating laws where criminals cannot fall through some loophole technicality.

Finally my dear elected officials, you as our elected officials need to do something about illegal immigration. How you as a government are handling this issue is a crime in itself! Our population grows out of control and you do nothing to secure our borders. We have people coming into our country we no nothing about, where their allegiance stands, manipulating our system to get government benefits that should only be for legal Americans, and coming into our country without being medically check, thus risking the health of the American citizens. What does our government to stop this? NOTHING! Oh but there does seem to be one answer and that is called amnesty, which is a joke! If our elected officials would stop and look, they would see that the majority (and the majority constitutes as LEGAL CITIZENS) of Americans do not want amnesty, they want all illegals deported! But for the most part our elected officials that want amnesty are blinded to what Americans want and only see future votes for themselves by letting illegals become citizens.

So to all of our elected officials in our government you have been placed on notice by the American people! Start being the government that our forefathers wanted, for the people, by the people. Its that plain and simple because I as an American citizen will vote you out of office and will keep voting any elected official if they do not do the will of the American people!

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