Thursday, November 8, 2007


It is happening and it is hurting the majority of Americans. Today’s middle class Americans are faced with home foreclosures, raising gas prices, wages not matching the cost of living and the struggle of living from paycheck to paycheck. Right now the future is bleak for middle class America. What is our government going to do about this situation and how are they going to help countless American people in their plight to live a decent life? As it stands right now, they do nothing and are the biggest reason middle class America is in its demise.

Yesterday my husband said he heard on the news that gas prices could be as much as $4.00 a gallon by springtime, which is a total outrage. It is to the point most Americans have to decide between buying necessities or getting to and from work to get a paycheck that can’t even cover the basics of life. Christmas is going to be nonexistent in our house this year along with the struggle of trying to figure out how to get the bills, mortgage, and buying food taken care of. What kind of life is that? I am sure there are many out there facing what our family is facing and wondering where it will all end. How are we supposed to contribute to the economy when all of our expendable assets are given to the oil companies so we can get to work? Retail companies are doing what they can to boost sales for Christmas by starting to advertise early this year, sorry to say for them but it is not going to work. Too many people I know can’t afford the holidays this year because we are too worried we may not have a home for much longer or can’t afford to even go to work for that matter.

One has to wonder if this is the government and big corporations ways of trying to control the American people by making them dependent on them or trying to break our will. Bush will bend over backwards to help them out such as the lending companies but won’t do a thing to help out the people. It was the lending companies that put everyone in the financial mess they are in with their homes by offering loan products that were doomed to force people into foreclosures. It is the government’s fault for not stopping businesses from hiring cheap illegal labor or outsourcing jobs to other countries to drive down American wages. The government continues to let Americans get rape at the gas pump while the oil companies make billions in profit every year and does nothing to try and combat the problem to help the people. The government continues to let this happen so big corporation and their pockets are filled, while middle class America suffers and becomes the new poor. When will this insanity end?

Americans are fed up with a government that only panders to special interest groups, big corporations, and helping the needs of other countries and ignore the very thing that put them in their office, THE AMERICAN PEOPLE! I know they cannot break our will; Americans are people of strong values, morals, and patriotism and will not give up the good fight. The government has put itself in a place where it is us against them and we know who will win this fight. Americans will not go quietly into then night and we will prevail in this battle to be heard. We are in some ways winning this fight with the Save Act now being introduced in Congress, the first real proposal for immigration and border control. This is only the beginning for immigration reform and we cannot now give up on wanting more change and we have to hold the government accountable on this issue. Now we must let the government know their jobs are at stake if they do nothing in regards to the outrageous gas prices, jobs, and increasing home foreclosures hitting Americans hard. Bottom line is we put them into office and we are their bosses and we have to make them work for us and not their own agendas.

Ben Franklin said it best when he wrote about choosing the rattlesnake to describe the American people and was later put on the Gadsden Flag with the words, “Don’t Tread On Me.”

“I recollected that her eye excelled in brightness, that of any other animal, and that she has no eye-lids—She may therefore be esteemed an emblem of vigilance.—She never begins an attack, nor, when once engaged, ever surrenders: She is therefore an emblem of magnanimity and true courage.—As if anxious to prevent all pretentions of quarrelling with her, the weapons with which nature has furnished her, she conceals in the roof of her mouth, so that, to those who are unacquainted with her, she appears to be a most defenceless animal; and even when those weapons are shewn and extended for her defence, they appear weak and contemptible; but their wounds however small, are decisive and fatal:—Conscious of this, she never wounds till she has generously given notice, even to her enemy, and cautioned him against the danger of treading on her.—Was I wrong, Sir, in thinking this a strong picture of the temper and conduct of America?”

To me that really sums up what we are as a nation of people and let us not let our government forget that!

1 comment:

Joe Schmo said...

Sorry to say we are into the Beginning of the End. I agree that the majority of the American People are Fed up with our Government pandering to the Rich, Big Corporations and Special interest groups. BUT, if you think that dealing with our ENEMY the American Government, in the PRESENT state can make for a REAL change, why don't you just click your heels together or wave a magic wand and expect things to change, because they DAMN SURE WON't!! They are to surely PROFIT from the success of their Bed Fellows, you know, the wealthy who are and will stay in power! Whether they are Democrats or republicans! It will only change when we "The American People" organize in a VAST NUMBER and STORM WASHINGTON for a NEW REVOLUTION! AMERICA first, PROFIT and self interest MUST be Second! Anything short of that is TREASON!! America should be doing what is GOOD for AMERICA, and that isn't happening anymore! What bothers me is that everyone seems to accept the same old way of doing things! If our 4 fathers think like most Americans think today we would be still under British rule and paying $10.00 per cup of TEA!!