Thursday, November 15, 2007


The bible teaches us that it is more blessed to give and true to some point it is. I myself love to give to people because I love to see the joy on their faces and the happiness it brings to them. Christmas is the time of the year I let myself go and give and it really feels good. But lets stop and think about as a nation, the United States and how much we give. It seems to me that as a nation we have taken this whole more blessed to give and gave it a new meaning. Now we have people living here that take and expect to be given more at the cost of taxpayers. The American debt is spiraling out of control; no thanks to congress with frivolous spending they do with earmarks, pandering to corporations, special interest groups, and illegal immigrants. So when as a nation, do we say ENOUGH! Are we going to let America turn in to a debtor’s nation? We seem to be heading down that dismal road if we don’t change our ways. Scary thought for our future generation to deal with.

In 2006 29 billion dollars of taxpayer’s money was used for earmarks, which shows our government has no problem spending our money. That takes this whole more blessed to give thing and make you want to become a real scrooge. To be honest, that is what the government needs to do is become more of a scrooge with our money. Wasteful spending does not help our cause as a nation it is only hurting it. Why is it these politicians get to take our money and spend it on things like letting under privileged kids getting golf balls? How many kids do you see or hear wanting to learn to play golf? To me it is a crime and in no ways charitable. Then we have corporation that are asking congress for more HB-1 visas, so they can import more workers at lower wages thus keeping Americans out of work. Bill Gates asked congress for an infinite amount of HB-1 visas because he claims that there are not enough Americans to fill these so-called high tech jobs. That in itself is a lie. We have too many kids that are graduating college and can’t get high tech jobs because of corporations hiring and outsourcing jobs to save money. I wonder if Bill Gates remembers when he was starting out how tough it was to get ahead. Just giving away jobs to people who are not Americans is hitting our economy hard, how can we be a productive nation if corporations are not willing to give jobs to people that are citizens of this country? Bottom line, jobs need to stay in America if we are to be a strong and productive nation. What these corporations fail to realize is that if they hire the American worker and pay them a fair wage, they win by having a nation that has money to spend thus giving them the ability to make more money (gee, I ain’t even an accountant and I know that).

Special interest groups such as the ACLU are killing the American people. They are suppose to be helping Americans, hence the big ole A in front of their name but instead they have taken up the cause for people that aren’t even citizens of our nation. What is wrong with that picture? Why is their money going to help illegal immigrants? Why has our government and special interest groups forgotten about the American people they say they serve? We have people losing their homes to foreclosures by the millions and we have the ACLU screaming about rights for people that are not even legal citizens. To say the ACLU has loss it grip on reality is to put it mildly. They as a group need to worry about Americans not people who broke the law by coming into our country illegally and putting a strain on our economy. They need to stick up for Americans that can’t get jobs due to illegals and outsourcing corporate America. To me that would be a more blessed way to give.

Illegal immigrants are hurting us as a country, I have said this before and I hate sounding like a broken record but it is so true. Illegals are putting hospitals out of business, causing wages to be driven down below the cost of inflation, and putting the biggest strain on our welfare system. People that come into our country illegally that take, take, take, and expect even more from us. How much do we have to bend over and give to these people that aren’t even citizens? It is bad enough that we have the President of Mexico getting involved with our affairs on their behave stating they have a right to be here. It is very simple if you are not a citizen you do not have rights here, you do not get to vote, you do not deserve benefits from our government, and you are not allow to protest and spew anti-American sediments and wave your countries flag on our soil. I have heard illegals sob stories and I am not buying into it and from what the polls are saying neither are most Americans. They have bled us dry by taking and we, as citizens are tired of it. Illegals are in our country and if they don’t like how we run things then they can go back home and try to change what is bad about their home but do not expect to come here and demand you have rights because the truth is you don’t, you have to be a citizen of our country to have rights.

It is more blessed to give but when someone gives too much and gets nothing in return then who loses, the giver. I am sure God never intended for someone to give to the point they have nothing and that is what America is doing, giving it all away and for what, to be politically correct or because we can’t say no and look like an uncharitable nation? The time has come for America to put the brakes on giving before there is nothing left to give. The bleeding of America needs to stop.

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