Monday, November 5, 2007


I never guess. It is a capital mistake to theorize before one has data. Insensibly one begins to twist facts to suit theories, instead of theories to suit facts.
- Sir Arthur Conan Doyle

The above quote by Sir Arthur Conan Doyle pretty much sums up our media today. The media has the most unique way of taking facts to suit their theories instead of the theories to suit the facts. One would assume that the media should be unbiased but then one knows what happens when one assumes. Case in point is the Washington Post, a very liberal newspaper when it comes to the issues and anyone who reads the Post could not argue that point. Take illegal immigration, the Post will report on the sob stories of illegals plight and how hard working these “undocumented” workers are and all they want is the same thing every legal American has, rights under our laws.

First off lets look at the word “undocumented”, instead of calling these people what they truly are illegal immigrants, the liberals and the media have started to call them undocumented workers or the other one I love is immigrants. Now why is that? Is it so we don’t look at them as lawbreakers, which they truly are or are they in hopes that we fall for these sob stories and let them have a pathway to citizenship? The media would also have you believe that if we didn’t have these “undocumented” workers then our economy would collapse without them or they do the work that legal Americans will not do. Funny thing when you hear about ICE doing raids on companies that employee illegal immigrants you never hear about the next day after the raid all of the legal Americans lining up to take the jobs, gee I wonder why? Instead you hear about the outrage and how these poor illegal souls are out of work and could be deported. No one reports about how legal Americans are being displaced out of work for what the media calls undocumented workers because they will work for lower wages. We never hear about the crimes illegals commit in our country because that would destroy the image the media has pounded in our heads about these poor souls that have given up so much to come to our country for a better life. I wonder why that is? What is the media’s agenda on this issue?

When it comes to politics you better believe the media is one-sided on that debate. I read on WUSA TV’s website a story in regards about how American voters are unhappy with the federal government. Below is a quote from the news story.

“The newspaper story, written by veteran political journalist Susan Page, reports seventy-two percent of those asked say they are dissatisfied with the direction of the country. And what is causing the dissatisfaction?

"First and foremost, people are unhappy about the war in Iraq.”

I saw the same Gallop poll and I have no idea where Ms. Page get her information but what I saw was Americans were most unhappy about the way the government is handling illegal immigration. Again facts distorted to suite what Ms. Page feels are the facts. The Democrats don’t even want the issue of illegal immigration to be the big issue because they know they will loss votes on it. Not many Democrats are strong on the issue and would rather not have to answer questions on the subject. Look at how Hillary Clinton during the Democratic debate floundered with the question if she was for or against Governor Spitzer giving driver’s licenses to illegal immigrants. If you were watching it you couldn’t tell if she was for it or against it, only the next day did her campaign come out and tell you that she was for it. Lord knows if that woman becomes President she would no doubt give citizenship to all illegals and open the borders for them. Did the media ever pick up on Hillary’s big flop? They did to a point but really they think it is just a minor set back for her and she will over come this, according to Newsday.

The media needs to wake up and tell both sides of the story and not twist the facts to suit them. I am so sick of hearing sob stories on illegals, Brittney Spears and her custody battles, and what they think the American people are sick of. If they were really getting the facts right they would see we are sick of the way they report the BS that they do. They would know we aren’t mindless twits that hang on their every word as gospel. The media today has forgotten the rule that there are two sides to every story and a lot of the time their side is for the most part wrong. So please just stick to the facts in the future and cut the BS.

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