Wednesday, November 7, 2007


I hope for your sake you are not suffering from this dreadful H. Clinton disease. Hear are some of the ways you can tell if you are suffering from the disease:

· You believe anything that comes out of her vial mouth.

· You believe she would make a great President.

· You don’t think she flip-flopped in the Democratic debate on Spitzer’s driver license to illegal immigrants.

· You have total amnesia of the Clinton years and forgot about all of those scandals associated to the White House.

· You don’t think she is a Socialist.

· You don’t believe she wants to be President to feed her own need for power.

· You believe she wants to be President because she is for the people.

These are just some of the symptoms of the H. Clinton disease. If you have any of those symptoms then you need to as soon as possible start getting a dose of reality before it is too late for you and this country. Out of all of the candidates running for President, Ms. Hillary seems to be the shadiest one of the bunch. I myself have always trusted my gut when it says something is not right with someone, and 9 times out of 10 my gut is always right. Years ago when ole Bill was elected President my first response was, “there goes the country!” Now hindsight has proven me right. During the Clinton years our country was subjected to scandals, people who had evidence of the Clinton’s doing criminal acts mysteriously dying, and the total disgrace they brought to the White House and our country. Now today we are faced with an opportunity to have that all back again and my gut is screaming, “HELL NO!”

Think about it, what if Hillary does become President and what might happen to our country? There are no doubts she wants the government to control every aspect of our lives because in her mind we are all mindless idiots that can’t take care of ourselves. Trust me all you Clinton lovers, deep down you are all mindless twits to her that need her to help you do everything. One very scary fact with ole Hill is that her press secretary is one of the leading members of La Raza, a group that supports illegal immigration and also spews anti-American sediments, now doesn’t that give you a nice and warm fuzzy feeling? Terrorist groups have also made it known they want her as President, gee I wonder why? Do they know something we don’t, wouldn’t surprise me if she is in bed with them so to speak, lord knows with her past and scandals I wouldn’t put it pass her. She even has accepted tens of thousands of dollars from Pakistan lobbyists (my gut is screaming here!).

Lets take a look at her personality, on camera she appears to be passionate and caring but off camera you will get the evil Hillary. There have been many reports of people that have worked with her who will attest to the evil Hillary. When Bill was in office Hillary demanded to have her office where the Vice President had his and it was a known fact that when she was in the hall of the building no one was to talk to her and if you did you got your head bit off. Here is another wonderful quote from this sweet and caring lady, “Personal, trained pigs.”-Hillary describing Secret Service. (Unlimited Access, p. 90). I really think some anger management would be good for her, just think if she becomes President will she fly of the handle at another world leader if she doesn’t like what they say to her? There is plenty on the net to show Hillary has no control with her emotions and that she is, in my opinion very unstable.

As far as the issues go, we know she is for globalization, open borders, and selling America off to the highest bidder (after all she needs to make a buck off us somehow). The thing that scares me the most with her is when she could not stand firm on the Spitzer’s driver license issue during the Democratic debate, will this mean when she is in office that she won’t be able to stand firm when our country is threaten? If you are going to be President you will be faced with issues sometimes that demand quick decisions and you can’t be a “fence sitter” when faced with issues, you have to take a stand. To me Hillary is very weak in this area and her so called playing the victim will not work in office. She felt like she was picked on during the debate by the so called boys, well honey get use to it because you will have to deal with it if elected and your whiny victim act will not cut it.

I stated a few reasons as to why I do not want her as President and I believe my reasons are good ones but I know there are those die hard Clinton fans that are blinded to the truth of what she is and stands for and I hope they do wake-up and really take a look at what might be if she is elected President. Hillary states that she speaks for women but she does not speak for this woman, I have known people too close to the Clintons during Bill’s Presidency and I for one could not and will not stomach another Clinton Presidency because the thoughts of it are too scary to fathom. A very important choice will be upon us next November and I hope for our countrys sake the American people don’t fall for Hillary’s lies and let her obtained what she has wanted all her life, the most powerful office in the world. If we let that happen we will only have ourselves to blame, so lets not be victims of hindsight and do the right thing by not letting this calculating thug have the power she craves to ruin our lives.

Here are some interesting links for reading:

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